The Games Day 4

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Elena Hosten P.O.V

"Morning." I say to Tiffany. We're in a pretty good mood considering one Career's dead. We've got plenty of supplies too, after our robbery of the Career camp a couple days ago. Now we have food, blankets, sleeping bags, and extra weapons. The Games couldn't be going better.

"Hey. Any cannons?" Tiffany asks me.

"Nope, I'm surprised Rosalie's not super depressed Fabien's dead. What a fake, definitely not true love!" I joke, causing Tiffany to crack a smile.

"What are we doing today?"

"Maybe some hunting?" Tiffany suggests. I think it's a good idea. We should save up our food in case of bad weather.

"Great idea, lets get a few hours in." I reply. I'm actually hoping we run into the Careers. Maybe I can kill a couple off.

"Who's still alive anyway?""

"Both from 1 and 2, the girl from 3, the girl from 4, Rosalie, you, Melina that twelve-year-old from 7, me, the girl from 11, and the guy from 12."

"Twelve of us left."

"I know, crazy."

"Let's hunt."

Maddox Pine P.O.V

"You ready to do some hunting?" I ask sparkle.

"You bet!"

"Hurry up then!" Katelyn snaps at us. We arm ourselves at once and catch up with the others. It makes me sad to think that yesterday Finn was with us. He seemed like a pretty cool guy.

"Where are we heading?" I ask.

"Maybe the lake?" Xeno suggests. The others nod in agreement. Since day two no one's gone near the mountain. There's probably tones of tributes around the lake since it's got the best spots for shelter and is a water source.

"Maybe we should split up?" I suggest. We're way too loud as a pack, it would be smarter to go in smaller groups, or even solo.

"I'm thinking we go solo, cover more ground." Odin says.

"Finn..." Sparkle trails off.

"We're much stronger then Finn was, we're actual Careers remember?" Katelyn says. 

"She's right." Xeno says."Finn wasn't a volunteer." He might as well have said I'm not either. Real nice.

"Let's go guys."

Isabel Stern P.O.V

I sleep soundly for the first time in the Games. I dream of Katie and I. We're watching the Games of two years ago. A guy with purple eyes murders a twelve-year-old girl from District 6. Poor thing. 

"Please come back." Katie whispered. Suddenly everything shatters to pieces. I try and wake up but I can't. Suddenly Katelyn's on top of my, knife in hand, her purple eyes glowing in my face.

Now I'm an angel I see a younger version of Valista's mentor Venus. She holds I large axe in her hands, she's viscous with that thing in her hand. She sneaks into the Career camp. Katie's love who was supposed to be on guard while the others hunted is fast asleep. Venus closes her eyes and cuts his head off. I hear a scream that could be none other then Katie's.

I snap my eyes open. Katie's love, that was Katelyn's older brother. 

"You're awake. I though you went crazy on me." Valista says. Her eyes are still full of tears. Yesterday after Ririi died I had a bit of a physcotic meltdown, ditched Valista and murdered Finn. I'm happy she had the sense to follow me.

"Sorry about that, I'm so pissed off about Ririi."

"I know, I am too."

"I mean, I didn't even get to say goobbye."

"I know, nothing's fair."

I already knew that.

Katelyn May P.O.V

Ugh, these entire Games I've been nothing but bossy. No, this has to stop. Time to be smart, calm, cool, collected Katelyn. The respected soon-to-be winner of the Games.

"Hey Katelyn what's with the silence?" Odin jokes. If he actually knew me. Oh, Odin you don't know me at all.

"I'm fine." I say. It's time I stopped leading this alliance. We're going no where.

"Let's split, meet back at camp when we're finished killing." Maddox says. 

"I know." I say and walk off. Time to split from the alliance. Once I'm sure everyone else has left I head back to camp.  Time to take some supplies and get out of here.

When I arrive back at camp I hear crunching and shuffling noises. Someone's here. I know it.

"Want to come out and fight me?" I say. This person should be very afraid. More shuffles. Maybe there's more then one person here. I could be outnumbered. Still, these aren't my "allies" and I can easily beat them.

"Come on out and let me kill you." I say playfully. 

"Run!" I hear a girl scream. It's those two girls from 10 and 6. They must be teamed up, cause they're not killing each other.

"Oh no you don't!" I say and whip my knife. These must be the two idiots who've been stealing from our camp! I draw my knives and chase them through the woods. I may be smaller, but I'm fast enough to keep up with them. They're both crazy fast, especially the girl from 10.

The two girls are getting away. This isn't gonna happen. I whip my knife at the girl from 10's neck. It makes its mark and she falls to the ground. The cannon fires. The girl from 6 continues to sprint. I'm almost out of breath and need to get back my knife. I watch as she sprints away. 

Oh I'll get her.

Rosalie Mills P.O.V

I've spent all day crying. How could I let Fabien die? He was the first guy I ever loved! It wasn't your fault. I remind myself. It was those Careers. I hate them, and I will kill them all. 

"Rosalie it's not your fault I'm dead." Fabien says to me. Ever since he died I've been having these hallucinations. Suddenly a cannon fires. Wonder who that was.

In a few hours I'll find out.

Melina Burns P.O.V

Tracker jackers! No! I freeze in terror. My fear of the Career Pack doesn't even come close to these mutts. I feel myself shaking. I see my mother being attacked. I can't even scream. I'm literally frozen in fear.

"Melina shh. It's ok." Tate says. It's anything but ok! I swear I'll be paralysed if I even survive this! A cannon fires. I know the tracker jackers will be out any second from now.

"Melina shh, come on, move. We have to get out of here!" Tate says. I try to stand up and almost fall out of the tree. At least that's a bit of progress. 

"Come on we have to get out of here." I take her hand. I can barely see but she keeps ahold of me. I see the first tracker jacker fly out of the nest. The lake's not too far away, but I can barely move I'm so scared. The next follow. Before we know it all six nests are on us.


Maddox Pine P.O.V

I've been following the girl from 6 for over an hour. She's really pretty, and I've thought she was cute from the first day I got here. Though I'm a Career I don't really want to kill her.

"I know you're following me." She says. 

"And you don't care?" I say in a slightly sexy voice.

"No do you?"

I grab her and kiss her on the lips.

Sparkle Gold P.O.V

The only face in the sky tonight is that sick girl from 10. I'm suprised she last that long. I'm guessing she was stronger then she looked. Oh well, hopefully there are more faces tomorrow.

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