District 8 Interviews

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Marie Cover P.O.V

"Good luck!" Elena says to me. She looks so sick, yet so beautiful in her short sea blue dress. Seven nods and I'm called onstage. I'm stunned at the amount of people in the crowd. I mean, I always got to see it on TV but not at this view.

I take my seat across from he Capitol interviewer Hazel Bellon. From what I've seen of her she seems pretty nice. This is only her second year as an interviewer so I don't know much about her.

"Marie you're one of our oldest tributes here, how does that feel?"

"It's ok I guess, but it doesn't really matter that much. Sure against people from Non-Career districts, but not the Careers. They've always had training. Even a twelve-year-old Career could take me down, so age doesn't always matter in the Games."

"Still you have a bit of an advantage."

"True, there's a bit of an advantage, but not much of one."

"Wise word. Next question you've made an alliance with Elena Hosten of District 10, and your district partner Seven Mcastor. Do you think you're one of our stronger alliances?"

"Compared to the Careers we're nothing, but we've got a couple tricks up our sleeves."

"Interesting, I can't wait to mind out!"

" Next question, how did you feel when you were reaped?"

"It was bad I guess, but it's better that I was reaped instead of a poor twelve-year-old."

"I agree, you do stand a better chance."

"Yeah, that is true, District 8 does best when we've got eighteen-year-old tributes."

"Well, it's been awhile, good luck Marie Clover of District 8!" She says and the buzzer rings.

Seven Mcastor P.O.V

I brush my black suit and walk onstage. My outfit's a crisp black tuxedo with a black shirt underneath and polished black shoes, and my pin of course.

I walk onto the stage and sit across from Hazel Bellon. Let's get this party started!

"Seven you're looking dark today! Tell us what the black's all about?"

"Well I've got my sister who hates the Games with every ounce of her being. Every year she wears her darkest black clothing and this pin for the reaping. She looks like an old lady!" That causes a huge laugh from the crowd.

"So it reminds you of your sister when you wear all this black?"

"Yeah I guess, she told me to be unforgetable in these Games."

"You'll go down in history!" Hazel confirms.

"Seven you seem like a nice guy, see any girls you like here?"

"Well, there's one girl here who I really like, but I want to tell her before I announce it to he country." I say, causing the crowd to go nuts.

"We can't wait for you to tell us, good luck Seven Mcastor of District 8!"

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