The Games Day 2

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Ririi Akimine P.O.V

"Got us breakfast!" I shout to Izzy and Valista, hoisting up the squirrel I just shot with my bow and arrow.

"Great." Valista says. I'm guessing she's tired. It's pretty hard to get a good sleep in the arena. I light a fire, though it's dangerous no one argues. We're all pretty hungry and want to ration our supply of Capitol food.

"Way to be optimistic Valista!" Izzy jokes. I shoot her a small smile and start packing up my things. The Careers will definitely be on our trail once they notice the smoke from our fire.

"Attention tributes!" Mikara Mallor's voice rings out through the entire arena. "We have a special surprise for those of you on the mountain! Good luck!"

"Screw the fire! Lets get as far away from the mountain as possible!"

We sprint through the woods. I'm guessing there's gonna be some sort of avalanche, but I'm not sure since I've never been up on the mountain.

"What do you think it is?" Valista asks, as if reading my mind. I stuff the squirrel further into my bag. Hopefully it's ok.

"I don't know, maybe an avalanche?"

"Mutts?" Izzy guesses. We walk for another couple hours. We don't hear the screams from above.

Elena Hosten P.O.V

"Crap!" I scream. Whatever's happening will happen before we get down the mountain. We're pretty much screwed.

"What should we do?" Marie asks.

"Try and get as far down as possible." Seven says.

"You think the Careers are up here?"

"I hope not." All I've got is a knife. Seven's got his crossbow, and Marie's unarmed. We have one pack, and definitely wouldn't last long in a fight.

"I think I saw them hike up last night. I'm not sure though." Marie says. Crap, we're so doomed.

That's when I see the Careers sprinting down the path. They're in panic. If they see us, they don't show signs of it. I don't see the girl from 4. I wonder if she died early this morning.

"Should we follow them?" Marie asks.

"It might be our best bet."

"Attention tributes! In order from there being an avalanche and the arena filled with mutts any tributes on the mountain must fight at the top of the mountain. At least one tribute must be killed in order for the disaster to be stopped."

"Shoot!" The Carees must've saw us, and they're coming our way. All we can do is sprint towards the top of the mountain. I'll be super lucky if I survive this.

"Three more kills." The guy from 2 says. I snarl, I actually might have something in common with those jerks.

"Don't count on it!" I say in a pissed off tone of voice. I've dealt with bullies all my life and ain't being intimidated by these fools.

"You should be scared." The guy from 1 says. He's wearing some creepy necklace with actual eyes on it. I think I'm gonna faint.

"Oh really?" I barely dodge the first knife. It was the girl from 2. I look behind me to hear a cannon fire. A knife is in Marie's chest.

"What the hell!" Seven shouts. The girl from 1 charges at me with her twin daggers. I send one flying with my knife. I slash at the girls face. She screams, which means sadly, she's still living. The guys from 1 and 2 both charge at Seven. He's toast. Meanwhile I'm left to deal with the girls.

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