District 9 Reaping

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Grania Whitaker P.O.V

I stand calmly in the square with my new red dress. It's pretty nice, though I'd rather wear it to any other occasion. Today's the dreaded District 9 reaping. It's my first year and my name's already in that horrible reaping ball ten times. My families incredibly poor and my parents see us kids who can take tesserae as producers of food more then children.

I stand with the other twelve-year-olds in the square. We're all nervous. Just last year another twelve-year-old was reaped and killed in the bloodbath. 

"Welcome to the District 9 reaping." Our stupid purple escort who I haven't bothered to learn the name of says in a incredibly bored voice. She's just as excited as we are. It's hard to get excited about, considering our last victor was fifty years ago. We actually only have one living victor at the moment. Sixty-five-year-old Lars Fuller. He's a total drunk, and is probably the most laughed about mentor. It's usually because of him that District 9's tributes rarely live past the bloodbath.

"Lets pick our lucky female tribute." Our escort, I think I'll call her Grape Crap, says in her super-bored voice. I hear some snickers from the crowd.

"Grania Whitaker."

Great, I'll be dead on day 1.

Fabien Goode P.O.V

Our escort calls a twelve-year-old girl to the stage. She looks annoyed and clearly pissed off. She's obviously accepted that she doesn't stand a chance. I feel bad that they're killing off someone so young. I twist around the woven bracelet that hangs loosely on my wrist. I can't even remember where I got, but I wear it everywhere I go. My seven-year-old sister Lexa claims I was born wearing it, which makes me laugh considering she's ten years younger then me.

Our Capitol escort who I can't remember the name of stands, clearly slouching on the stage. She looks like she wants to fall asleep! After the reaping end Lexa and I will surely make fun of her. 

"This is pathetic!" My best friend Nixon whispers into my ear. 

"I know, she's about as excited as we are!" We snicker till the bored escort brings us back into panic mode. By panic mode I mean announcing the male tribute.

"Now for our male tribute..."

"Fabien Goode." No, that can't be right! That's me! Well, duh! You can be picked just like anyone else! An annoying voice in my head tells me. I tell it to shut up. The eighteen-year-olds in front of me clear a path and I'm forced to mount the stage. The bored escort doesn't even bother asking for volunteers, not that anyone would.

I think only one thought...

Lexa and I definitely won't be laughing about our escort tonight.

I'm sent into the Justice Building with Grania tailing behind me. Four boys, two of them look like they're not eligible for the reaping any more. Three sisters follow, they all have the same blond pixie cut, brown eyes, and malnourished features as Grania. I'm still surprised no one volunteer for her. I can tell they know they won't be seeing her again.

Finally my mother, father, and Lexa walk in. As families go they seem so... Normal. 

"Fabien!" My mother says bursting into tears. She hugs me tight. Somewhere deep in her heart she knows I won't come back. I kinda know it too.

But.. Wait a second! Why am I counting myself out of this so early? I have a chance to survive! I'm strong and muscular from working in the grain fields all my life. And I can use a scythe! It can be a valueble weapon! Just from working in the grain fields I actually stand a chance.

"Don't worry, I'll try hard to win, I won't go down without a fight." I say and hold onto them tightly, dreading the moment I'll have to let go.

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