The Train Part 2

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Sparkle Gold P.O.V

"We'll be in the Capitol late this afternoon." Iyra tells me. I nod and grab a roll. I'm meeting the others in the workout gym in five minutes.

"You going for a workout?" Nate asks me, looking at my white tank, shorts, with my hair tied in a high ponytail. 

"Yep, we're having a workout." I say and glide past Nate. I open the door to the workout gym. The first thing I notice is that there's a board in front of one of the glass windows.  A large punching bag's lying on the floor, and weights are thrown everywhere. I heard something about Xeno going nuts and attacking the guy from 10. I didn't know there was this much damage. 

Katelyn and Odin are the only one's here. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Well, yesterday Xeno attacked another tribute and broke that." Katelyn says pointing to the window. "A Capitol attendant's talking to him. He should be here in an hour or so. Our mentors are pretty mad too." I feel bad for Katelyn, Xeno sure is causing a mess but he seems like good fighter. It would be a bad idea not to.

"Oh God!" Is all I can think of saying.

"Finn should be here any minute." Odin says. He easily lifts a sixty pound weight.  In a couple minutes Finn and the girl from 4, I think she said her name was Tate enter. Finn has shaggy long blond hair and seems like a nice guy. Tate I'm not sure about. She seems kinda sneaky and doesn't say much. 

"Hey where's Xeno?" Finn asks. Katelyn starts to explain. We all take our positions on the treadmills at the far end of the work out gym and go for a long run. I use most of this time to chat with my fellow Careers.

"You excited to be going to the Capitol?" I ask Finn who's on the treadmill to my right.

"What's not to love?" He says causing me to burst out laughing. 

"Guys, increase the difficulty to point two." Katelyn says.

"Yes boss!" Finn says, causing all of us to crazily laugh, even Tate.

"Hey guys!" Maddox says entering the gym. Odin invited him to come with us. Sadly, his mentors wanted to lecture them this morning."

"Hey!" I say brightly. Maddox is really cute. Him, Odin, and Finn all take their shirts off to go weightlifting. Gorgeous. 

"Hey guys! Want to see something cool?" I say, walking towards a bar that's mean t for the use of doing chin-ups. It'll make a very good high bar.

"What are you up to?" Finn says mischievously. I use a small workout trampoline to jump up onto the high bar. Lets do this! I swiftly swing around the bar about five times. I let go in mid-air when I'm going around for the sixth time and easily catch the bar. The others cheer. Lets really show them something cool. 

For my dismount a fling myself off the bar and do a double front spiral flip, landing it perfectly. Oh yes!

Marie Clover P.O.V

I hear cheering from the work out gym. Elena and I watched the Careers go in there about twenty minutes ago. They're probably showing off to each other. What a surprise. We sit together at our usual table in the dining car. It's the very table where she asked if we could be allies. She's sixteen, two years younger then me and knows Misty. I like hearing about Elena's life in Ten, though I also like hearing that Misty's ok. Seven's the third member of our alliance, though I haven't seen him at all this morning.

"Where's Seven anyway?" Elena says, reading my thoughts.

"No clue." I say rolling my eyes. 

"I think I saw that weirdo boy from 3 trying to get in on an alliance with him." She jokes. I laugh. The boy from 3's spent the entire train ride sleeping in his room. Yesterday Elena joked that he's part bear and is in hibernation! It caused me to spray milk out of my nose! Smooth on my part.

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