The Train Part 3

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Fabien Goode P.O.V

Rosalie is seriously cool. After the two days I've known her I've developed a serious crush on her. It's not just for the Games, I'd like it to be forever. Sadly, that can't happen.

I'm waiting to meet up with Rosalie in the observation car. I wish I could've hung out with her all day, sadly, her mentor demanded she rest since we'll be up almost all night for the Opening Ceremonies. We should be in the Capitol in the less then an hour. Rosalie promised she'd try and meet up with me so we could see the Capitol together. Hopefully she'll get here in time.

Rosalie Mills P.O.V

To stare at the TV I'll probably go down and meet Fabien in a couple minutes. After being forced to rest up for tonight I decided to watch some T.V I was almost positive I heard the District 8 girl say something about there being a T.V channel where you could watch certain rooms of the train. Turns out there is, totally genius. So, for the past three hours I've been watching Fabien go around the train.

Ok, you might say I'm so obsessed with him that I'll literally stalk him, but still he's adorable. I decide to head down to the observation car and meet up with Fabien. I put on a lacy white tank top and super short shorts. I'm trying to impress here!

I run down the hall into the observation car. It's pretty much an empty room with windows that enclose us instead of walls. There's one massive plush seat that goes around the perimeter of the car to sit. 

"I missed you." Fabien says in a sweet, sexy voice. 

"Me too..."

Ririi Akimine P.O.V

I'd better hurry up if I want to have a quick work out with Valista and Izzy. The work out gym car is the last car on the train, it's just past the observation car... 

I carelessly throw the observation car door open and am about rush inside, when I notice the girl from 5 and the boy from 9 practically doing it on the floor. I quietly sneak by, and surprisingly they don't notice me, I'm slightly happy that they were so into it.

The last thing I needed was to be got and apologize! I finally throw open the door to the work out room. Izzy and Valista are keeping up a soccer ball between them. I've never played soccer in my life, hopefully we start something else!

"Hey guys! What's up?" I say. Izzy stops the ball with her foot and stands solidly on top of it.

"Where were you? You took forever!" Valista complains. Izzy rolls her eyes.

"Actually I would've been here earlier if I wasn't held up by sneaking through the observation car with the District 5 girl and District 9 boy making out a couple steps away from me!" I say. Valista's eyes open so wide that I swear they're gonna pop out. We all burst out laughing.

"Wow!" Izzy says catching her breath.

"So, what happened with you guys?' I ask.

"Guess what? I was talking to my mentor and she told me there's actually a floor with a soccer field in the Training Centre!" Izzy says, giving Valista a high five. I'm guessing they're both pro players.


"So we can play!" Don't tell me you've never played before!"

"Um... No."

"Then we'll teach you!" Valista says. Izzy nods.

"Here's how you do a basic pass." Valista instructs. Tapping the ball with the side of her foot. Before I know it the ball's at my feet. 

"What do I do?' I say in panic. After twenty minutes of torture we head down to the dining car. We'll be in the Capitol in ten minutes.

Maddox Pine P.O.V

I sit calmly at the best table in the dining car. I take a small sip of my coffee. I'm addicted to coffee. I sit with the other Careers. They're picking apart kids from other districts. From the boy from 6's "chicken legs" to the "stick girl" from 10.

The only one who doesn't really seem to be laughing right now is Tate. Tate doesn't say much though. I sit beside Xeno and Sparkle. Xeno still seems to be pissed off about something and isn't saying much. Sparkle on the other hand has barely left my side since the work out this morning. I'm almost positive she likes me.

The girl from District 6 happens to walk by our table. 

"She's got her eyes on you Maddox!" Finn jokes. I roll my eyes. Sure she's pretty, but it's the Games there can only be one winner. She has beautiful brown, wavy hair, and brown eyes. If I wasn't in the Careers alliance I probably would've teamed up with her. No one seems to pay her any attention. She doesn't have any allies either. I'm guessing she'll be a bloodbath tribute.

"Wow! Is she in love with us or something?" Katelyn jokes. She, like her district partner, also seems pissed off. Finn told me she got in a fight with the girl from 11. 

Just another average Career day!

Isabel Stern P.O.V

I'm crazily happy when we pull into the Capitol station. Me and my allies peer out the window to catch a glimpse of the ever-so-grand Capitol. It's spectactular. There are so many massive buildings! In District 3 the largest building is six stories. The smallest here's probably ten!

"That's amazing!" Ririi says. Apparently in Districts 11 and 12 the average house is a shack. 

"See you guys tonight!" I say. I'd like to play soccer with them earlier but sadly we'll be in the prep room of the Remake Centre for the next three or more hours. I'll see them tonight at the Opening Ceremonies. Hopefully our costumes aren't too bad. 

In a few hours I'll find out.

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