The Games Day 1 {The Bloodbath}

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Rosalie Mills P.O.V

I stand calmly on my metal plate that will rise m into the arena that's been prepared for this years Games. It could be anything from an island to a frozen wasteland. I'm guessing it's not a frozen wasteland considering we only have thin jackets made of a reflective material, camouflage pants, and combat boots, they're not nearly warm enough to withstand snow storms.

My platform slowly begins to rise. Last night Fabien and I came up with our plan for the bloodbath. We're both taking the risk and running to the horn to get supplies. Hopefully we're both able to stay alive.

My platform stops and I'm able to get my first and possibly only look at this years arena. A million shades of reds oranges and yellows are before my eyes. It's a forest, the most common, but most exciting as voted by Capitol citizens. I see trees in every direction except in the far distance there's a large mountain. I'm thinking it would be smartest to head that way, get as far away from the Careers as possible.

To my left is Valista Plauntina from 11 and to my right's Fern Orr from District 3. I don't see Fabien or the Careers anywhere.

"Tributes! Welcome to the one-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-ninth Hunger Games! Let the Games begin in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1

I sprint off my plate to the Cornucopia. I grab a backpack and a smaller bronze sword. I don't turn around, unable to watch the death screams of my fellow tributes. I sprint through the woods. Hopefully Fabien saw where I was headed. I hear rustles in the branches telling me that the other tributes have the same strategy as me.

Looks like it'll be a race to the mountain.

Isabel Stern P.O.V

"So, what'd we get?" I ask Ririi and Valista. I'm happy we all survived the bloodbath. It's only been about an hour so the fighting's not even close to being over. We all saw the other tributes heading north towards the mountain, so we headed south. We know the Careers will hunt the other tributes, so why not go the other way where no tributes have gone? Pretty smart right?

"Throwing knives some bread and a warm jacket." Valista says. Unlike Ririi and I, she grabbed what was nearest to her and bolted. I'm happy though. I have three spears and a stack of throwing knives. Ririi got a bow and arrow, not to mention another two packs. We did pretty well.

"Should we stay here for the night?" Ririi asks. We've found a nice spot by a large lake. It's well concealed by trees.

"Sure, let's find a tree though in case anyone shows up." I say. You never know for sure with the Careers. One of Ririi's packs contained a good amount of rope, so we all tie ourselves to a large tree. It's almost impossible to be spotted. Perfect. Maybe the Gamemaker's will give us a peaceful sleep.

Melina Burns P.O.V

I've been walking for just over an hour and haven't heard a sound. Weird. At least I have a small bow and arrow and two axes to defend myself. I've even got a large backpack of food and supplies. I won't be needing much at the moment.

I've decided to head towards the east side of the arena. Most are heading north to the mountain. They'll probably be victims of the Careers. That's when I hear the first cannon fire.

Wow, they're done already? That was quick. I'd better find a camp soon.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Bom. Boom. I count seven. Only seven dead on day one?It must be sad for the Capitol viewers. The Gamemaker's will definitely be on us soon. I decide to camp out in a good sized tree for the night. I don't hear a sound. I'm guessing the Careers are out by the mountain.

I'm surprised to wake up to the sound of footsteps. I look down to see all nine of the Career Pack. Crap! What are they doing here? They don't appear to have seen me.

"I swore I heard something!" The girl from 2 says. She's undoubtably the leader of the pack."Tate, look around! We're staying here for the night." The girl from 4, who must be Tate walks off. The Careers are only a few feet away from my tree. This is bad!

"I don't trust her Finn! Sooner of later we'll all be dead because of her!"


"I'm killing her tonight!"


"It's her or you!" That shuts him up. I'm guessing they're talking about Tate. Wow, loyal allies much? I creep down the other side of my tree, hoping not be seen. I step calmly in the opposite direction of the Career camp.

She finds me quickly, but even more quietly. Tate.

"You know they want you dead right."

"No more then you."

"Are we gonna fight?" I ask. She got a lower training score then me, but she seems powerful.

"Actually I was wondering if you wanted to be in an alliance, just you and me."


"I swear."

"Deal." This should be good.

Tate McHardy P.O.V

Melina and I camp out in a tall tree quite a distance from the Careers. I like Melina. She's strong and smart, kinda like me at that age. We have quite the stash of supplies too. Two large backpacks to be precise, not to mention weapons.

I already knew the Careers wanted me dead. I easily eavesdropped on Katelyn's conversation and all deals were off, not like that was going far anyway.

I wrap myself tightly in my sleeping bag. Both Melina and I are lucky to have our own. That's when I see the first face in the sky. It's the guy from 3. I remember Katelyn killing him. The guy from 5 follows, then the guys from 6 and 7, then the girl from 9, the guy from 10, and finally the guy from 11. Wow, only seven deaths and almost all of them being guys.

Yes, these Games definitely aren't normal.

Katelyn May P.O.V

"I am such an idiot!" I scream at the top of my lungs. It's not true at all but I'm too pissed off to say anything different. How could I let Tate McHardy get away? She's definitely smarter and sneaker then she looks.

"You don't have to state the obvious." Finn nervously jokes.

"Shut it!" Fortunately he does.

"Calm down Katelyn, lets head back to camp, get some more weapons and hunt her down." Odin says. I reluctantly agree. Like he can talk. He killed two tributes, I only got one! Ugh! Not to mention he's wearing the creepiest necklace ever that he's made out of his kills eyes. I'm beginning to wonder if he's actually sane. Still, I take the lead beside him.

"Guess what?" He whispers so quietly that only I can hear him.


"Check this out!" He says pulling a small pin out of his jacket pocket.

"What's so special about it?"

"Explosive, if I throw it and it makes contact with something or someone it explodes!"

"Impressive. How did you get that passed the review board." I joke, causing us both to erupt in laughter.

It only takes us a couple hours to arrive back at our camp outside the Cornucopia. It might've been smart to leave someone as guard, but with all the ours trying to get as far away as possible from us we didn't have to worry.

"Get some stuff and let's go! We need to get in as much hunting time as possible!" I order and grab another ten knives to add to my pack of twenty. I also grab my fair share of our massive stash of food. I'll eat and hunt.

"We ready?" Xeno asks. He's armed with his claws,of course.

"Yep." Sparkle says, in hand with Maddox. Uh, I'm so sick of these romances. If it were up to me I'd kill off half this alliance. Sadly, I can't.

Oh we'll, maybe I'll get another kill tonight.

{When Nightmares Become Reality} The 1,999 Hunger GamesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum