District 6 Interviews

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Tiffany Banks P.O.V

I'm so nervous! I clutch the sides of my gorgeous new ruby red dress with a black ribbon tied around it like it's literally my lifeline, which in way it might be. My looks might be enough to get me through this interview.

"Tiffany Banks you're on!" The Capitol director shouts. Before I know it I'm walking onstage in front of millions of fans. Wow. I take my seat in front of the Capitol interviewer Hazel Bellon and we start.

"Tiffany how are you liking the Capitol?" She asks. It's pretty safe opening question. I'm not gonna mess something this easy up.

"Well, the clothes are gorgeous and the foods amazing!" I say. "I mean, look at this! " I say standing up and gracefully twirling in my heels, which I'm surprisingly good at walking in.

"Gorgeous." Hazel agrees. The Capitol sponcers love hearing them and their city praised it's a good way to get some help in the Games.

"The people I've met seem so nice, and the trainings excellent! I'd love to live here!" It's a good idea to show people you have some fight in you.

"Wouldn't we all?" Hazel jokes. I give the audience a huge smile. I even hear a couple whistles from the crowd.

"Let's get a bit more strategic. Who do you thinks your biggest competition?"

"Well, there's some crazily high scoring tributes this year! Last year the highest score was a ten, a suddenly all these twelves this year!"

"Very true! The most common score was a five, like most years. The second highest score was an eight, which you received this year."

"Personally I think an eight's ok against these power house tributes. You never know, some of the strongest could even go down."

"You're very right. Five years ago the top five highest scoring tributes all died on day one!" I nod in agreement. I remember that year quite well. There was a pack of four Careers from 1 and 2 that year, they all died in an explosion at the Cornicopia on the first night. The Career districts were mad about that one.

"Final question, you've probably heard a lot about all of this years strategies, showmances being one of them. Do you think that's a good strategy?"

"I think it's a good move, but it's hard. You sometimes have to be a really good actor."

"Wait! You're saying the showmances between Rosalie and Fabien and Maddox and Arkle aren't real?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I don't know about Rosalie and Fabien because I rarely see them, but Sparkle's definitely playing Maddox!"

"Why do you think that?"

"You can tell by the way she acts with him. I mean before tonight she was just playfully flirting with him, then tonight she says she likes him, totally for the cameras!"

"Well, I'd love to see if that's right! Good luck Tiffany Banks of District 6!" Hazel says. The buzzer rings right in time and I'm lead offstage.

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