Chapter Two: Thanking Him

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Makoto took a deep inhale. The building seemed to tower over him. His hazel eyes were puffy but his lips had curved into a hopeful smile. He rang the doorbell and waited.

A servant opened the door. She had to be his age but she seemed to be small.

"I'm here to speak with Mr. Togami." She seemed kind, yet flashed a skeptical look at his words.

"Mr. Togami... Somebody is here to see you!" She exclaimed. Byakuya was already halfway down the stairs. Dammit, Makoto's cheeks turned pink.

"Ah, Naegi. Come, your room is adjacent to mine." The servant shut the door behind them and they walked upstairs.

As Makoto entered his new bedroom he heard Byakuya say something.

"I expect any personalisation to be tasteful." Makoto nodded at the words. As the heir turned away, he pushed words from deep inside his throat.

"Th... Thank you, Byakuya." Togami stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"You're welcome, I suppose." He left Makoto alone with those words before walking to his home office.

The bedroom was large and covered by a layer of dust. This was not surprising as Byakuya's company never stayed over. It was only the afternoon but Naegi felt overcome with tiredness. He almost fell into the bed.

It was quite soft. The green blanket smelled like Byakuya which made blush cross his face. A smile formed as he drifted to sleep.

By the time he woke up it was the early evening. Makoto had certainly slept for a while. He pulled himself from the bed and tried to remember what was happening.

He didn't remember his dreams, but it eventually occured to him that he was inside of his new bedroom in the Togami Manor. As his hazel eyes drifted to see the clock, he realised just how late he had slept.

"Really?" He double checked just to see it was, in fact, the evening. His door opened to reveal a tired Byakuya.

"Hm? You're awake?" He tried to fix his tie which had come undone after many hours of work. His blonde hair was no longer neat and his white, button-up shirt was incredibly wrinkled.

"Yeah... What... What happened to you?" He tilted his head with confusion. Even through four years of highschool, he never saw Byakuya like this. Byakuya yawned.

"Mm? Oh, I've been working. Nothing that concerns you." He moved his glasses to rub his blue eyes. Byakuya refused to reveal that he had been up the previous night thinking, or panicking, really, about personal matters. "Why don't we freshen up for supper?"

Makoto nodded and looked inside his suitcase in an attempt to find some nice clothing. Byakuya was not shocked when he saw nothing of the sort.

"Come with me." It was less of a request and more of an order.

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