Chapter Three: Dinner

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Byakuya emerged from his walk-in closet. He had a nice suit that seemed small enough for Makoto.

"I'm... Surprised you had something in my size."

"Of course, it is kind of old, however. I haven't used it since middle school." This only reminded Makoto how small he was, but he was used to it at this point. Byakuya got out a nice, green suit for himself.

"Now, go, come back once you're dressed."

Makoto did as he was told and returned to the room. He held a black tie in his hand.

"Togami," his cheeks were pink with embarrassment. "I don't know how to tie a tie."

"Useless, really." He murmured as he began to tie it for the shorter boy. Honestly, this made him feel good. No, it shouldn't!

'No, you're hetero. Hetero! Hetero!' The blonde was practically screaming in his head. He had been denying his pansexuality since middle School, really.

"Thank you..." Makoto murmured. His face was hot and red now. Byakuya was so close. The taller male had dressed himself while Makoto was in the other room.

Byakuya quickly combed through his hair before his blue eyes drifted to Naegi. He removed the comb from his hair.

"It's such a mess." He said as he began to comb through the shorter boy's hair. Makoto didn't object to this. Byakuya began to wonder why it made him feel so complete to take care of Makoto. He scoffed. As if he would ever date a dirty commoner! Definitely not a boy with soft, brown hair and hazel eyes...

Okay, maybe he was more attracted to Makoto than he liked to admit. Much... More... Attracted. Why had he cursed himself like this? Letting Makoto live in his house must have been the most idiotic decision he had ever made.

As they ventured downstairs, Byakuya began to wish Makoto was on his arm. He wished he could put a ring around Makoto's finger, he wished...

The servant from earlier smiled and greeted the two. The table felt longer than it should have been, not to mention it felt too wide. Especially when Makoto and Byakuya sat across from each other. Makoto was still adjusting to the table being set so perfectly and avoiding resting his elbows on the table.

Byakuya had really customised the manor to be his favorite colours, green and gold. There were also many items that were black and silver. The room was silent, a little too silent.

Makoto wished they were alone, without any servants. No, he just wished it was a date. He wanted to be on a date with a boy from highschool who probably hated him. Of course Byakuya was hetero... Right?

Byakuya tried to hold his tongue, but it was no use.

"Would you join me in the library after supper, Naegi?"

"Y...yes..." Makoto was nervous. Would Byakuya kick him out for acting so strangely? He spent the rest of dinner as an uneasy mess. He was panicking.

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