Chapter Four: Library Regrets

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It was somehow larger than the library at Hope's Peak Academy. As soon as the door closed Byakuya lost his train of thought. He pushed the shorter male into a bookshelf, arms around him.

"Nng..." Makoto gasped upon the impact, his face red from Byakuya's warm breath. He couldn't think, neither of them could.

Their soft lips connected and Byakuya grabbed Naegi's brown hair. Their eyes closed. Makoto's legs wrapped around Byakuya's waist, and Byakuya held him. This was a dream come true, really. Byakuya inserted his tongue into Makoto's mouth. No, he wasn't doing this. It felt so wrong, yet so right.

He fell back into an armchair and Makoto grabbed the back of Byakuya's shirt. Naegi's jacket fell to the ground, leaving him in a tie and a white button up shirt.

"I..." They separated for breath and thoughts came back to their heads. Byakuya wouldn't have it, he didn't want to think, he didn't want to hate himself. He wanted to enjoy the moment, so he did. He had to admit, he wished he had done this sooner. He wanted this to be his life, he wanted to kiss him forever.

"Ah, you're good..." Byakuya whispered into Makoto's mouth.

"You... Too..." They were panting, out of breath. He loved him, he loved him so much. Did Byakuya really care about him? He must have been dreaming, right?

"I..." Neither could think of anything to say, they could only continue to kiss and hold each other. Byakuya left Makoto's mouth to kiss his neck. He eventually began to suck harder until it left a mark.

"You're mine, Naegi." Naegi had run out of breath and energy. He smiled as he fell asleep. Byakuya quietly carried the shorter boy to bed.

This left him in his own bedroom, alone. More importantly, alone with his thoughts. Thoughts about what he's done. It was wrong, wasn't it? If it was so wrong why did he want to do it again? He gave Makoto a hickey, too. It would take him so long to forget now.

He didn't want to think about the reactions of the public, his father, his siblings, and worst of all... Himself. He couldn't bare the thought of what he did. What he said...

'You're mine.' The words rang through his head, stabbing his confidence. He couldn't sleep with this on his mind. He wanted to scream, he regretted everything. Yet... He longed to do it again.

Augh! What was he? Who was he?

"Maybe I am pan...." He murmured. He had briefly spoken with Kirigiri about it in the past. He tried to recall the conversation.

"That's okay, accept yourself." It rang through his mind. Yeah, he could do it.

Would... Would Naegi accept being a secret? Damn, he didn't know if Naegi even cared for him.

Whatever, he would handle it in the morning.

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