Bonus Chapter!

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The lights had been turned off, though the dim flames of the lavender-scented candles which Byakuya had lit allowed him to see his lover's beautiful face. Their breaths were heavy as their warms lips pressed against each other, their hands exploring each other's bodies. Naegi was upset to only have gotten Byakuya's suit jacket off, but he ignored it. Tonight was about romance... it was about their first time together as husbands. Byakuya had learned, of course, he'd done his research when he had the chance. He was better now, he wanted it to be sweet...

Unfortunately, the universe had other plans. His cellphone buzzed from the inside of his pocket, and when it was pulled out, he seemed to be getting a call from a contact labeled "Father."

Naegi, sighed, rolling out from underneath Togami to lay on the other side of the large bed.

The blonde accepted the call, placing the phone against his ear.

"Byakuya!" The voice of his father was loud, no, not just loud, enraged. It caused the blonde to flinch a little despite his usual confidence.


"What is this that I've heard about you marrying a man?!" Byakuya's heart started pounding faster as he searched for words.

"It's just a rumor, those plebs are so desperate to ruin my reputation."

"So, if I were to look... you wouldn't be married to that commoner, would you?" Byakuya sighed and fell to his knees. There was no way around it, was there? He had to tell his father about the marriage.

"I would be." He said bluntly, attempting to keep calm despite the anxiety which was building up inside of him. He would've needed to say something eventually, anyway.

His father began to shout, but it all blended together in Byakuya's mind. Only a few words stuck out.

"I ought to take away your money, you faggot!"

Byakuya angrily removed the phone from his ear, ending the call. He dropped to his knees, looking downwards as his hands tightened up into fists. He was clearly upset, clearly angry. That is- until Makoto could hear him quietly laughing.

"Byakuya, what's going on?"

The laughing continued.

"Togami, B-Babe... you're scaring me!"

The blonde turned slowly to face his lover. His face was red, his eyes were puffy, and liquid dripped downwards from his eyes. Makoto realized that Togami hadn't been laughing at all...

"Byakuya! What's wrong?" He'd never seen Togami cry before, had he? Something must have been wrong.

Togami pulled Naegi into his embrace, petting his hair gently, and explained what had happened during the call.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be. It's all my fault."



"He can't do that."


"It's your money now, remember? He may act like he still has control but... he doesn't anymore."

The corners of Byakuya's mouth turned upwards to create a small smile. He'd completely forgotten, hadn't he? Enduring all that competition when he was younger always caused him to think he had to be perfect. He'd lose everything otherwise, right? But he was safe now. He could be himself now.

"Thank you..." He shut his phone off, placing it on the nightstand. "Would you like to resume our activities?"

"Would you be okay with that?"

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