Chapter Seven: Going Out

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Togami wasn't comfortable with the concept of a title or going public, but he still felt Makoto deserved to be taken out on a date. He had set up something cheesy and cliche. Roses, dinner, a gift, and some time together.

"You cannot tell anybody this is a date, understood?" Byakuya murmured as he tied Makoto's tie yet again. Makoto nodded slowly. Byakuya hadn't told him where they were going, only that it was a date.

Makoto blushed as Byakuya kissed his forehead. He was excited yet nervous as he left the bedroom.

The car ride was silent. Despite it being fairly quick it felt like forever for both as they were mildly panicking. Byakuya finally parked the car and led Makoto into a restaurant.

Soft harp music could be heard and a chandelier hung above each table. A candle acted as a centerpiece and added dim light to the tables. It was beautiful, elegant... But there was only one thing.

... The restaurant was completely empty.

"Togami, why is it so..."

"Ah, I reserved the whole place. Pick a table, love." Makoto's hazel eyes lit up when Byakuya called him that. His eyes scanned the area until he decided on a table.

"Ah, you're the one who reserved the place." The waitress smiled with tired eyes, "What can I get for you today?"

Makoto excitedly scanned the menu. He hadn't eaten food like this apart from his time at the Togami Manor as of late. Despite having no *actual* hunger for lobster, asked for it anyway as he wanted to impress Byakuya. He could just stuff his face full of complimentary bread, right?

Byakuya knew Naegi would do something like this, so he just ordered two steaks.

The waitress nodded and was on her way. She figured it was simply talk of finance or something of the sort, as that was usually what Togami did.

Makoto's light brown hair was quite neat that night but his ahoge still stuck up. Blue eyes stared longingly. Byakuya's cheeks were pink and his thoughts were filled with Naegi. He really wanted to kiss him, but he didn't want anybody to see.

"Here," Byakuya whispered as he took out a bouquet of roses. He gave it to Naegi's eyes widened and the corners of his lips perked up. Nobody watched as the blonde and the short boy kissed.

"Thank you so much..." The hazel- eyed boy smelled the roses. They were a deep red, cliche but meaningful. He would definitely hang them in his room, even though he wished his room was Byakuya's.

The food arrived and Naegi found himself picking at the lobster. Togami chuckled and pushed a plate of steak towards him.

"I knew you wouldn't eat it," he explained. "You don't need to impress me, you know."

These words pushed a lot of anxiety from Makoto's system. A lot of pressure dropped from his body, allowing him to feel light as a feather. He smiled like a dumbass, red as a tomato.

"I love you... So much." He whispered, hoping the taller male wouldn't hear him. Unfortunately, Byakuya did... Or so he thought.

"I love you too." He smiled. When was a good time to give Naegi the ring? Should he? No, he should wait. They had a wonderful night on their date, but afterwards was much better.

At home Byakuya carried Makoto to his bed. Makoto dropped the roses on the bedroom floor as he drifted away. He wasn't asleep, yet he wasn't really conscious. He was calmed by a feeling of ecstasy, unable to form words. His knees were weak and his voice was small. He was really, really in love.

If only Byakuya would say they could be real. If only Togami would ask to call Makoto his boyfriend, oh, how Makoto wished and wished.

"Your voice... Is really nice..." Naegi murmured as Byakuya settled next to him in bed. "Please... Sing to me again."

"As you wish... Commoner." He said in a sweet but joking manner. He began to sing a couple verses from Daisy Bell softly and quietly. A perfect end to a perfect night, no, almost perfect. He laid a kiss on Naegi's lips.

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