Chapter Five: Confession Failure

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Byakuya was sure to lock his door after Naegi entered the bedroom. Nobody could see this, nobody could hear this.

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about, Byakuya?" He seemed anxious as he spoke. Did he really think Byakuya wouldn't want him?

The blonde tried his hardest to push the words from his throat, yet they remained. Sweat began to roll down his body. How could he confess his feelings? How could Makoto possibly accept Byakuya if he didn't accept himself in the first place? Damn, this was the worst torture Togami had ever endured. Painful, painful, painful.

"Togami... You're scaring me..." Great. He had done the opposite of what he intended, the smaller male was about to panic. That was the last thing either of them needed at the moment.

Byakuya's blue eyes drifted to Makoto's neck. The hickey bared itself clearly, a mark that Makoto was Byakuya's beloved. It drove him mad, thinking of it. No, he couldn't feed himself such vulgar thoughts.

Salty liquid streamed down the shorter male's face. Great going, Byakuya. He needed to say something, something! The poor boy was so anxious, and what could Byakuya do? Nothing, at least not at the moment. The words seemed to have promised themselves to his throat, they wouldn't leave. No matter how much he pushed they stayed stuck as if they were glued.

'He doesn't want me, he doesn't care!' Makoto's thoughts only worsened his panic. Why else would Byakuya stay silent? He wanted to die. He wished the world would crumple at his feet and cease to exist, that existence itself wouldn't exist any longer. He wasn't making any sense! He slid his fingers slowly over the marking which adorned his neck. He felt love and passion while receiving it, but he stared to wonder if the giver felt the same. Sweat drenched his face as he tried to think of anything else.

"I... Mnn..." Byakuya tried to speak but failed. Barely any noise escaped him. Maybe he was wrong, anyway. Would the Ultimate Affluent Progeny really be thinking or feeling like this? Why did he want to take Naegi and cover him with more hickeys? Why did he want to comfort Naegi so badly?

The smaller male was crumpled on the floor, whining and shaking. Little to no sensible words left him, only sobs and incompressible mumbling. Byakuya felt like a horrible person. He removed his suit jacket and placed it on top of Makoto.

He laid soft kisses on the brown haired boy's forehead, then cheek, and finally his lips. This brought a small smile to the teary face. Maybe he couldn't confess, but he certainly had to fix the problem he caused.

"I love you and I'm sorry." He whispered and tried to keep his nose from crinkling in disgust. Not disgust for the Ultimate Lucky Student, but for himself. He felt like crap. Byakuya Togami really wanted to curl up in his bed and cry. He had only one thought, one embarrassing, idiotic thought.

"You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey," he sang softly to Makoto and wiped his tears. He began to stroke his brown hair as he continued. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please... Don't take my Sunshine... Away."

Even Togami began to whine softly, tears falling down his face. Togami picked Makoto up and placed him in his bed, singing him to sleep and lying down next to him.

It wasn't what he wanted to do, but he had to admit, Makoto's smile improved the feelings of regret.

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