The First Trial

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As the consciousness that had once drained away from you returned, you found yourself laying down on something. Definitely not a bed, the surface of the object was chilly against your bare skin. Maybe a metal table? Or perhaps you weren't laying on an object at all. Either way, that didn't really seem to matter right now.

Hold on, how did you even get here? From what you remember, you had been sitting down working on homework, when suddenly you heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was your parents, you foolishly opened the door, to find a person whom you didn't know standing there. And from that point on, nothing else remained.

You grimaced, mentally scolding yourself for being so stupid. You finally opened your eyes and sat up. Yep, you had been laying on the ground the whole time. Geez, looks like your kidnappers were cheap. Can't even afford a mattress?

You stood up and looked at your surroundings. On each side of the room sat 4 boxes, and in front of you stood a door with a bunch of locks. As you approached one of the boxes, a loud ringing from the center of the room caught your attention.

A cellphone had been placed next to where you had originally woken up. You rushed over to the cellular device and quickly answered the call.

"H-Hello?! W-What's going on?!"

"...Begining voiced guidance."


"The First Trial will now begin. Y/N L/N, you must collect all 13 keys within this room and unlock the door. If you cannot do so before the time limit expires, the walls will close in, crushing you. By all means, please enjoy this thrill with all your body and soul. You will be expected to finish within 7 minutes. Your time begins now."

Alarms began going off in your head. You'll... die? First Trial? What the heck is going on?!

7 minutes. If you couldn't complete the trial within 7 minutes, you'll die. And with that sudden realization, you began frantically searching the room for keys. Within that short period of time given to you, you had started to search throughout every nook and cranny of that small room. It didn't help that each box was filled with useless scraps of metal.

6 minutes. Your hands swam through the seemingly endless ocean of scrap metal within each box. 5 keys obtained.

5 minutes. You checked the corners of the small room. 3 keys obtained.

4 minutes. It's always safe to double-check. You quickly reopened each box and glided your hands through the contents. 2 keys obtained.

3 minutes. You were sure that you had checked the whole room. Figuring it'd be a waste of time to check each box a third time, you walked up to the door and began inserting the keys into their designated locks.

2 minutes. You only needed 3 more keys, but where were they? You tugged the ends of your sweater in fear at the thought of what would happen to you. Wait, your sweater. That's it! You quickly slid off your sweater and checked it's pockets. 3 keys obtained.

1 more minute. You swiftly pushed the keys into their keyholes. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you dropped to the floor. The tears that had once threatened to fall had started pouring out.

This whole situation had you shaken up. What the heck was going on?! Where were you? How much time had passed? Where were your parents?

You sat there, curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing your heart out. You were scared. So, so scared. Just a while ago you were sitting in your kitchen doing homework and now you were here. So now what? Were you supposed to just... leave?

No... you can't just stay there. Surely your mother would be disappointed seeing you give up. After all, you managed to survive whatever just happened, you can do it!

You attempted to wipe your tears away with your sleeve, but they continued to fall nonetheless. Oh well. You slowly picked your trembling body up from the ground and walked towards the door.

Opening the door, you... couldn't really see anything. It was pitch black. Well, no use staying here. Panting from the terrifying experience that had just happened, You swallowed your lingering fear and pushed yourself to take a step into the dark hallway.

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