chapter seven

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The moment I saw the clinic, I fell into a sort of panic. I definitely did not like hospitals, I had made sure to stay away from them since turning eleven. My parents had tried to make me go, but every time they'd so much as bring it up I'd run away and be gone for days. At some point, they had given up on trying. It's a bit embarrassing but I'm just terrified of hospitals, I hadn't told anyone this, even my best friend. Just when things were bad enough they got worse.

I suddenly felt hot, and my breath quickened. They couldn't be doing what I think they were doing, maybe they were just passing through the parking lot. I waited for them to go back onto the street, but I knew that that hope was short-lived when they drove to the back of the clinic and stopped. I quickly looked at the couple in the front seats. Where they serious? Didn't they say something about how they didn't want people to take me?! Why would they bring me here? I started to shake a bit, this isn't right. When the man took the keys out and opened the door my breath quickened, and when the lady had suddenly opened my door, I started to sweat despite the cold air that hit me. I got scared. I was confused.

The man had walked around the car and smiled at me before starting to unbuckle the car seat belt. I knew that now that the car door was open, now would be the perfect time to scream for help, but for some reason, I couldn't get my voice to work. All I could do was stare at the clinic door. Maybe that lady saw the panic straining to erupt because she had a new pacifier at hand and she tried to put it in my mouth, I ignored her keeping my eyes trained on the clinic's door. I could hear the sounds of them conversing, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying, their voices were just background noise. All I could think about was how this man kept bringing closer and closer to that clinic. I couldn't really think or focus, but the next thing I know where inside a room with a hospital bed and chairs inside, the man sat in one supporting my head as he adjusted me in his lap. His wife sat down in the chair beside him, placing the baby bag beside the chair's leg. It smelled of disinfectant, It smelled just like a hospital. Being in that hospital room, I just wanted to run away and I somehow snapped out of the trance I was in. I needed to tell them I couldn't be here, I looked at the man as I spoke and my voice quivered a bit,

"Can we go?..."

He looked at me confused, before finally showing me a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry little man, but we can't leave. Trust me it won't be so bad, we're just here for a check-up ok."

Then the wife spoke and I jumped a little startled,

"Please calm down Emmet, I know you're nervous, but It'll be over before you know it. Also, you'll get to meet your uncle, Isn't that amazing!"

She gave me a big smile before continuing to talk,

"He's been so excited to meet you ya know, I'm sure he's going to spoil you rotten."

I'm started to sweat more at that news, this just got worse. He's a doctor AND he's apart of this psycho family?! I didn't say anything, my face neutral, I didn't want to show fear, but I guess I started to sweat a lot because the lady had a bit of a worried expression as she started taking the coat off of me, and the man started helping her after she struggled a bit. I didn't care I was sweating, and I didn't care that they were trying to cheer me up and distract me. It wasn't working and all I could focus on was the smell of disinfectant and the door, I didn't want the doctor to come in. But unfortunately, it was only a minute before the doctor came, and I felt sick. The man looked large in build for a doctor, he had a doctor's coat on and wore glasses. I could immediately tell who brother he was, the resemblance between the man holding me and the doctor was obvious. Features like their jawline and the way they walked resembled each other, only the doctor looked older. 

The man walked in and his eyes immediately landed on me, and I flenched. As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up and a big smile spread onto his face. I was really tired of the look these people kept giving me. Clipboard in one hand, he leaned down and waved both hands at me excitedly, I just glared back in a failed attempt to scare him off, but he just chuckled. He grabbed his stool and sat down before scooting himself in front of me. My whole body felt so tense and I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. My mouth felt so dry, I kinda started to regret not taking a sip from that bottle earlier. He looked at me, and when he reached his hand out towards me I quickly turned away, hiding my face in the crazy man's neck. I didn't care at the moment about the embarrassment of another person seeing me dressed and treated like a baby, or even the fact that I was kidnapped, all I could focus on was the terror in front of me. I felt the man holding me sigh, and heard the other man chuckle before speaking.

"He's quite the shy one isn't he"

This time the lady spoke,

"Yeah, I guess he is, I'm sure he'll warm up to you. He also seems a little nervous about being here, maybe we should've picked a different day for this appointment, I just wanted to make sure he would be safe and healthy for the future. If he was to suddenly get sick...I don't think I could take it.."

The doctor nodded his head in understanding.

"Well, it'll be fine. I'm just going to do a quick check-up, I'll check his medical files, and if he needs anything I'll make sure he gets it. He'll be in and out in no time, and when you feel he's settled in at home, me and the family would love to come over and get to know our new little family member."

He said the last bit of the sentence in a slight babied voice directed at me, I didn't care enough to be irritated though, I just wanted him to go away. His mere presence was scaring the living shit outta me. Things suddenly went quiet for a second, then I heard the sound of drawers opening and closing, and his chair lightly squeaking as he rolled around the small hospital room. I couldn't stand not knowing what the doctor was planning while I wasn't looking, I couldn't help the need to take a peek at what the man. The man started bouncing his legs up and down as he rubbed my back, I just ignored him keeping my eyes trained on the doctor. I watched as he had put a stethoscope around his neck sand stared setting tools aside by the sink on a tray. At the sight of the tools I could feel myself shaking, that doctor wasn't coming anywhere near me with those things. 

I watched as the doctor tactfully laid down his tools and then grabbed his clipboard taking his time as he flipped through the pages. The prolonged time of not knowing what was going to happen next was killing me, but I kept my eyes trained on him. The doctor then looked up from his clipboard with a dangerous smile on his face. I thought my heart had stopped at the words that had came out his mouth next.

"Well, it looks like the little guy needs to catch up on some vaccinations he's missing."

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