Coming Home

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Buffy's POV

"Just a little further Mom, you can do it."

"Of course I can do it sweetie, I'm not 60 just yet."

I wanna say something to that but Faith beats me to it.

"We know that Joyce, you're a sexy rambunctious woman and there isn't a man or gay girl in town who wouldn't jump at a chance to get with you..."

Dawn and I both have the same thought.

"Eww, Faith!"

But it makes Mom smile.

"Present company excluded of course..."

"Of course..."

"But we just want to be sure you don't over stress yourself. The doctors did say the fainting could've been caused by stress."

We've certainly given her a lot of that over the past little while. The whole me being tortured, Faith nearly dying thing was really hard on her. And I imagine knowing Dawn is somehow involved didn't help matters.

"Walking isn't stressful activity. In fact it's been known to relieve stress, especially when you do it under your own power."

She looks at my arm clutching hers, half to support her and half to know that she's really coming home, and then smiles at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just..."

"Concerned yes I know. I even appreciate it but I'm okay to do things on my own."

She takes me in her arms and holds me tight.

God I was so afraid I'd never get to do this again.

Dawn rushes over and attacks us with a hug. I just smile and put my arm around her. I look at Faith and she smiles.

"I'll go get the door."

She starts her way up to the house and we break the hug. Mom watches Faith go up to the house and looks at us with that motherly knowing look she does and leads me and Dawn up to the house. We make it up the steps as Faith is opening the door.


She turns around and Mom hugs her. After a moment of weirdness from Faith she hugs Mom back. I look at Dawn and we smile at each other.

She seems happier since she heard we were taking Mom home. I just hope we can keep this feeling going with what's coming. If Glory figures out Dawn's the key there'll be a whole lot of badness on the way. And not just in the form of a sick and twisted demon who's way too powerful for her own good, but also from Dawn. Kids have a hard enough time finding out they're adopted, this'll probably be 100 times worse.

Learning she used to be a key thing is gonna be hell on her. But Faith and I have kinda talked about it, and we won't let her go through this alone. We'll be here for her when she wants us to be. I just hope she will want us to be. She's our daughter, and my sister. I wanna be the best mom I can be, and the best sister. Faith feels the same way, and we're gonna do the best we can.

Mom breaks the hug leaving only a hand on Faith's shoulder. She looks at Mom with a smile which then travels to me and Dawn.

"What was that for?"

Dawn punches Faith in the arm.

"Because we love you silly..."

Dawn goes inside and Mom's hand slides down to Faith's arm which she gives a loving squeeze.

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