~Matching Tattoos~

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Imagine 4: Matching Tattoos.


"Babe, don't be scared," Harry, your boyfriend said. "everything's gonna be okay."

"Well I mean you can say that," you state with gritted teeth, "After thousands of tattoos."

"Only 55!" he corrected and you roll your eyes.

"Harry and Y/N Styles?" the tattoo artist asked.

You both nodded, got up and walked to his tattooing area. You waited at the long black chair, nervous while Harry was talking to the employee.

"I'm going to have a(n) Y/Z/S (your zodiac sign) tattoo on my back while she's going to have an Aquarius one on hers."

"Matching tatts huh? Clever idea!" the tattoo artist compliments while your boyfriend smirks.

Harry went first. He was sitting still, acting like a needle hadn't been going into his skin for half an hour.

"Alright. Y/N, it's your turn!" he says and Harry stands up.

You walk and sit down nervously. You contained your screaming as the needle went into your skin.

The pain was a lot, but you controlled your tears. You let a sigh of relief the second you were done.

Both you and Harry smiled when you saw your matching tattoos on the mirror.

You gathered your belongings while he paid.

"Harry," you began when you entered the car "what if we break up?"

"Baby, we won't." he replied in a sweet tone.

"But what if we do?"

"Well, my best friend is a(n) Y/Z/S." he said, starting up the car.

"And my mum is an Aquarius." you add.

"So," he smiled "I don't see the problem here." he kissed your cheek and you giggle.


Sorry this was so short... Please vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!
x, d.❤️

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