Puella: 21

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Madoka woke up from five weeks after the "Death-T" project only to feel the stinging pain from her cheeks before seeing how red they are and how much it burned when she touched it, Madoka got the chance to meet Yugi's mother when Solomon got his heart surgery and was still in the hospital and getting full explanation as to why she was slapped in the face from Kyoko, which earned her a smack on her head with a thick dictionary or two which knocked her out completely from about a week or two or three.

Madoka had to wear some cover-up on her face so people would ask if she got sunburned but she didn't as she touched up the blush before hearing that Téa was here to walk with them as they began to walk to school as Téa pulled out three heart charms for each.

Madoka placed in her info as did Yugi before receiving two beeps from him, Téa kept the empty one incase for the "Other Yugi."

When they arrived at school, Joey, Yugi and Tristan whipped out some paper with numbers and black and red color pencils, black for boys, red for girls. Madoka let out a sigh and looked to find hers before Mami called her over to see her at the top five of a good score with Mami as number two as they smiled before hearing the mean teacher announce how terrible their scores were before congratulating both Mami and Madoka.

The next thing Madoka knew that the heart charm from her was snatched from her breast pocket which shocked the students and Mami but mostly the boys were shocked. "What's this? A game?" The teacher said as Madoka flinched at how fast he pulled it out from her shirt as Yami stepped in and defended Madoka.

Now it was game time, and they had only one hour to find Madoka's little charm or they would be expelled, Madoka wasn't old enough to find a job to work.

All Madoka could do was pray for them to find the charm and not get expelled, Tsuruoka didn't go outside and the game was still inside, Mami then snapped her fingers before Téa gave Yami the blank one and typed in his info before multiple beeps were heard and Madoka blushed before Mami stormed to the teacher's lounge and slammed the door opened before taking the wig off his head and found the game. "Sorry Mr. Tsuruoka, but you lose." Mami said with a smile before everyone cheered for their victory.

"Hey, Mami, how did you know it was going to be in his office?" Tristan asked as Mami smiled and explained how she knew. "Remember when Téa couldn't find her phone anywhere so we had to call it? Turns out she had left it in her pocket while being distracted among the other things we were doing, so in order for us to find the charm, take the test and follow the sound." Mami said with a wink.

"Thank you Mami, you're a lifesaver." Joey said with a blush as he cleared his throat, "So, maybe after we get out of here, want to come with us to have hamburgers?" Joey asked which made everyone look at him and Mami smiled and said yes.

For once, Joey Wheeler asked a girl out and was happy.

For now...

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