Chapter 6

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"Pretty interesting" I chuckled as I sipped my water.

"So, uh...can I ask you something?" She said as she stared at the table and picked at the wrapper the straw came in.

"Sure" I said as I watched her. She looked up and met my eyes and stared at me for a moment.

"What are all those scars from?" She asked me. How did I know she would ask that?

"Well...the short version is that my father and I lived a bad life before we moved here. A bad life with bad decisions that hurt us, mentally and physically" I said, trying to be as vague as possible.

"I don't want the short version. I want the long version. Full detail. Every story about every scar. We have aaaalllll night" she said as she gave me a soft smile. I actually enjoyed that she was so genuinely curious about me.

"Maybe another night" I said. The food arrived and she thanked the waiter. We ate and talked about school, her brother, my father, our interests and everything under the sun. I could talk to her for hours if she'd let me.

"Anything for dessert?" Charlie asked us after he cleaned out table off.

"Order whatever you want, both of ya" Clay said from two booths over. He was actually serious about paying for our food. I thought it was a joke but these guys are actually really nice.

Y/n and I ordered ice cream and a piece of cake to share. We slowly picked at the cake as the other players began leaving to go home. Clay left $50 for our bill and told Debbie to keep the change. Y/n leaned back in the booth and yawned and looked at her phone.

"Holy shit it's 4 am. My brother's gonna kill me" she said as she sighed and slid out of the booth. I hadn't realized time went by so fast. We got here at 11 and we've been talking non-stop this whole time.

"Thanks for the delicious food Debbie and Harold! Thanks for the wonderful service Charlie!" Y/n yelled as we left the diner. The three older humans waved bye to us and I closed the door, walking to Y/n's car and getting in. She drove me home and we said goodnight and I watched her drive away.

I walked into my house and my father was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a beer.

"You're home late" He said as he smirked and raised a brow.

"You're up late" I said as I eyed him.

"I was worried about my only son. But I see you were with Y/n all night, meaning you were in good hands" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room.


Y/n and I hung out all weekend. She showed me her favorite spots in town like the lake, the roller rink, the old arcade, and the paintball course. We were basically inseparable and stayed together as often as possible.

"Hey" Y/n said as she sat down in her chair next to me. We were in art class and our paintings were due.

"I haven't seen you work on your painting once the whole weekend, did you even do it?" She asked as she pulled her finished painting out of her bag. I had met her brother over the weekend and the painting looked just like him. She was an amazing artist.

"I did" I shrugged. She looked at me like she didn't believe me but class started before she could ask again. We were asked to hand in our paintings and told that they will be graded tonight. The best ones will be hung up on the "art wall" in the basement.

Y/n stood up and handed hers in and I grabbed mine from my bag. I kept it turned away from everyone and handed it to the teacher. I sat back down and we were told we could have a free day since we worked so hard on our paintings.

*The next day*

Y/n and I walked down the steps to the basement level to get to art class. She stopped and admired the paintings everyone did of someone who inspired them. Her painting was up there, obviously. Her paintings deserve to be in a museum. I've traveled to many world's and seen many different kinds of art and it's got nothing on her.

We walked down the hall some more and I heard her gasp when she saw it. The painting of her. She admired the painting and gently ran her fingers over her painted hair. Her eyes traveled to the corner of the painting and they went wide as she read the name. She looked at me and tears filled her beautiful eyes.

"Y-You" She softly asked.

"I did" I said as I smiled at her.

"I..inspire you?" She asked as she wiped the tears away.

"You do" I nodded at her. She looked back to the painting and read the description on the bottom of it.

"I picked Y/n L/n as the person who inspires me the most because she's real. She's so open to everything and everyone and it's refreshing to see that. She always has a smile on her face even though she knows this world is filled with terrible things. She takes something bad and turns it into something beautiful. I'm sure her painting will be put up on this wall, and it deserves to be. I've known her for less than a week and she's managed to make me feel like I've known her for years. She inspires me to open myself up and try new things. I know we were only supposed to write 3-4 sentences about who inspires us, but I could write a whole book about Y/n. She's truly astonishing"

Y/n wiped more tears from her face and sniffled before looking at me.

"Vegeta, that's beautiful" She softly said. I smiled at her but didn't say anything. I was letting her enjoy this moment.

"You jerk, making me cry like a baby in the middle of the hall" She laughed a little as she cleaned her face off. I chuckled and to the late bell rang. We walked to class and I could just see Y/n beaming with even more happiness than she already had.

*2 weeks later*

I was thriving on the football team and the other players really liked me. Y/n and I were together every second we could be and I finally admitted to myself that I had feelings for her. Being human wasn't so bad but I could never forget who I truly was.

Devon and his friends quit the football team and Devon asked to be transferred from all of Y/n's classes. He hasn't even looked at her since I broke his hand. He's probably scared of me.

I walked downstairs to see my father watching tv. It was the first Saturday Y/n and I haven't hung out since I started school and I didn't know what to do.

"Not hanging out with our favorite human today?" My father joked. He loves having Y/n around and he now refers to her as "our" favorite human.

"She said she had some stuff to do today" I shrugged as I sat down on the couch and pulled my phone out. Lain bought me one last week because he said it would be way easier to communicate with me. Well, he didn't say exactly that. It went more like "Here, I bought you a phone so I don't have to listen to your dad go on about you and Y/n for twenty minutes every time I call your house"

Lain actually supports the idea of Y/n and I being together. He hasn't told Y/n that, but he's told me. He said he used to have a thing for her but now he's into some girl named Hannah. I barely know any females names at school. I don't care to.

I saw that I had a text from Lain so I opened it up.

"Dude, we have an emergency. I was visiting my dad at the police station-"

His dad is a police officer. A way better one than Officer Mike Ronald.

"And he told me Y/n went missing last night. She just disappeared. Her brother is really worried but they can't do anything until it's been 24 hours. If anyone can find her, it's you. You guys basically share one mind"

My heart stopped when I read that message. I just talked to her last night and she said she was busy today?? What happened?? Where the hell is she?!


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