Chapter 7

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I jumped to my feet and stuffed my phone in my pocket as I walked out of the house. My father asked me what I was doing but I ignored him.

I checked all of the usual spots Y/n likes to go and came up empty. I flew all around the town and looked for her but I couldn't find a trace of her. I landed on a building and sighed as I rubbed my hands down my face.

"I miss mommy" I heard a little boy say. I looked over the edge of the building and down at the street below me. A boy and his father were walking side by side.

"I know buddy, me too. We'll see her at home in about 20 minutes" the father said.

"Wait" my eyes went wide and I pulled my phone out, clicking on the search bar. I typed in Y/n's full name and an obituary for her parents popped up. I read it and sighed when I saw the date of death. Today's date. 14 years ago. I put my phone back in my pocket and flew to the cemetery. I immediately saw Y/n sitting by two graves, crying. I quietly landed behind her and walked around the graves, trying not to scare her. 

"Y/n" I softly said. She looked up to me and jumped to her feet as she cleaned her face off.

"Vegeta? What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Lain said your brother was at the police station because he's worried about you. He said you went missing last night" I said as I walked up to her.

"He's always so worried about me" she forced herself to laugh. I sighed and she rolled her eyes as she looked at me.

"Stop pitying me" she said as she sniffed and wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"I don't pity you. I understand you" I said as I sat down between the graves, facing them and reading the names.

"You understand me?" She asked as she sat next to me.

"My mom was killed in front of me when I was a child" I softly said as I stared at the graves. My mother didn't get a grave. Most Saiyans don't. We don't bring someone's body back if they die off world.

"Jesus, Vegeta" she sighed as she looked at me.

"So I understand" I said again as I looked at her. She took my hand in hers, intertwined our fingers and laid her head on my shoulder as we sat in silence.

"My brother really went to the police station?" She asked me after ten minutes of silence.

"That's what Lain said" I said as I looked down to her. She kept her head on me and I felt so... comfortable and safe.

"He always overreacts. Every year we  visit the graves together after he gets off from work. I guess he didn't think to check here first" she chuckled a little. It was nice to hear her laugh. I laid my head on her head and closed my eyes as the wind softly blew around us. The birds chirped in the trees and cars zoomed by on the street.

"Y/n! There you are!" Her brothers voice suddenly filled the air. We both looked up and removed ourselves from another.

"Hey Jacob" She sighed as she stood up.

"I've been so worried about you! I checked on you before I went to bed and you were gone! Have you been here all night?" He asked us as we stood up.

"Yeah...I had a dream about mom and dad a-and just...needed to be here" she sighed. Jacob grabbed her up in a tight hug and I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I looked away.

"Next to me first" Jacob said as he pulled away. Y/n nodded and smiled a little at her brother. I could feel their strong bond and it made me happy knowing she had someone like him in her life. Someone who has given everything to her to make her happy. He was a good brother.

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