Chapter 9

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*Vegeta's Pov*

"Okay, we go now" My father said as he and the others walked outside. We made a plan and now was the time to execute it. We flew from the house and towards the desert where Frieza was. The plan was to split up and distract as many of his men as we could. My father would go after Frieza as I took out his ship.

He had an army of 20 men, plus himself, and we had 13, including my father and I.

We flew to the desert and hid behind a large mountain near his ship. My father sent out the first pair of Saiyans to drag some men away. It worked. The next pair went out. Then the next and the next until it was just my father and I.

The Saiyans were fighting Frieza's soldier all around the desert. We were holding our own as best as we could. My father and I flew towards the ship and Frieza walked outside, dragging a body with him.

Fear. I've never felt it until this very moment. I've felt worry, concern, anger, sadness, even pity, but never fear.

Frieza stopped and threw the body down the ramp of his ship. It rolled and rolled until it hit the ground, landing on its back. I watched the head slowly fall on its side and the hair fall from the face.

"Y/n" I whispered, my voice trembling with fear. How did he get her? How did he even fucking know about her? Were they watching us at our house?? I hope the women and children are okay.

"Fuck" My father harshly whispered.

"Oh Prince seems that I've found something of yours" Frieza chuckled as he walked down the ramp towards Y/n. She groaned and her beautiful eyes slowly opened up. She saw Frieza and her eyes went wide as she sat up and quickly scooted away from him. He smirked, knowing she wouldn't get away.

"Aren't you going to save her, Prince Vegeta?" Frieza asked in a mocking voice. Y/n slowly turned her head towards me and her mouth fell slightly open in shock. My father and I landed on the ground and I locked eyes with Y/n. Her whole body was shaking in fear and I felt sick that she was here.

"Let the human go, Frieza! She has nothing to do with this fight!" My father yelled as he gripped his fists.

"Oh, but she does. Prince Vegeta's heart belongs to her. He killed more of my men than any of you pathetic monkeys did. He took from me, I take from him" Frieza harshly said as he held his open palm out to Y/n. He began charging up a blast and Y/n looked back at him with wide eyes. I clenched my jaw and dashed towards the pair. Y/n clenched her jaw in anger and grabbed the sand around her. She threw two handfuls at Frieza and he yelled as he pulled both hands to his sand covered eyes. She jumped to her feet and sprinted towards me.

"Little bitch!" Frieza screamed. He rubbed his eyes with one hand and shot a blast at Y/n with his other. Lucky the sand messed his vision up and he just missed her. The blast hit the sand next to her feet and exploded, sending her flying to the side.

I grabbed her hand but Frieza shot me in the chest with a blast, sending me backwards. I sat up and Frieza was already standing behind Y/n, smirking at me.

He grabbed Y/n by the back of her hair and pulled her to her feet. He smirked at her and she stared at him with a mix of complete disgust and total fear over her face.

"She is pretty, for a disgusting human. Maybe I won't kill her. Maybe I'll just...use her for some fun" He harshly said as he sniffed her neck. She cringed and head-butted Frieza, causing him to pull away and drop her. She threw her fist at his crotch but he stopped her before she made contact.

"She's feisty" Frieza chuckled as he grabbed her back up and looked to me. My father joined us and stood by my side as Frieza held Y/n in front of him like a shield.

"Let her go!" I harshly demanded.

"I don't think so" Frieza chuckled. Y/n kept her eyes on me the whole time and her brows were furrowed in anger.

"Let me tell you how this is going to go. My men will kill the rest of your disgusting race and return to me. I'll send a team out to your house and kill the ones in your basement" He said as he looked at my dad. How did he know about that?

"And then I'll slowly kill the human in front of you and rape her dead body" He harshly said as he smirked. I growled and dashed towards him, anger fueling me. He turned and used Y/n as a shield but I quickly moved to the side and threw a punch at Frieza's head. He flew to the side and I grabbed Y/n's hand before he could drag her with him. I held her close and she hugged me as tight as she possibly could. We pulled away and my father looked at us.

"Get her to the basement and have them use the hatch" He harshly said as he looked back to Frieza, who was slowly standing up. I nodded and held Y/n against my chest as I flew up into the air.

"Holy shit" She whispered as she looked down to the world below us. I flew as fast as I could, hoping the basement wasn't compromise.

We got to the house and my front door was locked in. They were here. I pushed Y/n behind me and held my arm out to shield her as we walked into my house.

"Stay close" I whispered. She nodded and grabbed a piece of wood from the door off of the ground, ready to use it as a weapon. It wouldn't do much against Frieza's soldiers but I'm sure it made her feel safer.

We walked to the kitchen and I heard footsteps from upstairs. I quickly spun us around and slowly began walking back through the living room and towards the steps. I stopped as the footsteps got closer to the top of the stairs. I pushed Y/n back against the wall and the footsteps began running down the steps. Frieza's soldier gasped when he saw me and his eyes went wide.

"Prince Vegeta is down here!" He yelled upstairs. I blasted him in the chest and he flew back, smashing into the wall and falling to the floor.

"Holy shit" Y/n said as she stared at me. A blast came through the ceiling and just missed me. I looked up through the hole and saw another soldier standing there. He took off towards the steps and so did I. I jumped over the railing, landing half way up the steps, and blasted him in the chest too. He fell forward and slid down the stairs on his face. I jumped back over the railing and Y/n was smiling at me with wide eyes.

"That was amazing" she said in awe. The fact that she wasn't scared of me made me so happy. I don't know what I would of done if she was scared of me and my would have broken my heart.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the kitchen. I opened the door and was greeted by another soldier. He blasted me before I could even react and I flew backwards, crashing into the table.

"Vegeta!" Y/n yelled out. The soldier looked at her and I jumped to my feet, throwing a blast at him. He defected it and smirked at Y/n. She swung the wooden stick at the soldier and he dodged it. He threw a punch at her and she ducked, dodging it. I was surprised that she managed to do that. She stabbed him in his exposed leg with the end of the stick and he jumped back as he yelled out in pain. I blasted him in the chest and he hit the wall before falling to the floor.

"You did amazing" I said as I walked over to Y/n. I guess that stick was more useful than than I thought.

We walked down the steps and towards the metal door. I noticed the fist prints in it. They were trying to break through.

"You guys okay?" I shouted out.

"Yes, Prince Vegeta!" Janit yelled out. I unlocked the door and pulled it open to see the mothers and their children standing by the escape exit. They must have been getting ready to leave.

"This is Y/n. She's a human. I want you to protect her like she's one of us" I said as I looked to Y/n. The women nodded and motioned for Y/n to come join their children in a huddle behind them. I took Y/n's hand in mine and stared at her, hoping it wasn't the last time I'd see her. I studied her beautiful face as she studied mine and sighed as I let her go. I left the room and locked the door once again, hoping she would be safe..


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