Chapter 11

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My father laid in his bed, unconscious and bloody. It's been about 3 hours since I killed Freiza and we still haven't found the women and children.

I paced back and forth in my living room as I waited for any news on Y/n and the others. I so badly wanted to go and look for them myself, but I was acting King until my father was better. I stayed here and helped clean the mess up that Frieza's men made. I ordered two Saiyans to patrol the whole Earth to check for Frieza's men.

A knock on my front door pulled me from my thoughts and I opened it to see another Saiyan.

"Prince Vegeta, we found them. Bahnet is bringing them in now" Funta's husband, Rintel said.

"Stay here and watch over my father. Alert me the second he wakes up" I ordered as I walked outside. He nodded and closed the door to my house.

I stood with my hands behind my back as I watched the sky. I noticed a group of black figures high above the trees and smiled as they slowly flew down fo Earth.

"Everyone's accounted for, sir" Bahnet said.

"Thank you. Go check on Tometle, he should be getting medical supplies from town. Keep a low profile" I ordered. He nodded and walked off down the street.

"We were told what happened, Prince Vegeta. Is it true? Did you transform into the Legendary Super Saiyan?" Funta asked me.

"That's what everyone's saying" I shrugged. I wasn't 100% sure about what I did back there with Frieza. I knew I reached a new level of energy, strength, and speed, but did I really transform? The others said my hair was blonde and that I matched the description of what the Legendary Super Saiyan is, but I don't know.

"I always knew you would do great things, Prince Vegeta. And that human you're so attached to? She's something special" Funta said as she smiled.

"I'll go check on your father. Kids, go home and to your rooms. But thank Prince Vegeta for saving us" She said as she looked to her children. Then thanked me and then the other women and children thanked me. They left and I saw Y/n standing alone, staring at me with a smile on her face. She was wearing Saiyan armor and she looked gorgeous in it. Like one of us. I stared at her for a minute and all I could do was picture her standing in Saiyan uniform next to me as we watched over everyone. A Prince and his Princess.

"Hello Prince Vegeta" She said as she smiled and walked up to me. I smiled down at her and placed my hands on her hips. If I've learned anything today, it's that I need to stop being so cowardly when it comes to my feelings for Y/n. I love her. And I could have lost her today. I can't hide these feelings any longer.

"I love you" I said. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell slightly open. Her face was a mix of shocked and happiness. She placed her hands on the back of my neck and smiled as she stared deep into my eyes.

"I love you" She repeated. That urge was back and I wasn't going to let anyone stop me this time. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. It felt like a million tiny explosions were happing between our lips. My heart began beating so fast I thought it would explode too. I wrapped my arms fully around her waist and held her against me as I kissed her more. She pulled away just a little and then kissed me again and again and again. She's been waiting for this for as long as I have.

We finally pulled away for good this time and she grabbed me up in a tight hug. I held her against me and inhaled her scent, never wanting to forget it.

"Prince Vegeta" I heart Funta call out. I let Y/n go and looked to the Saiyan as she stood by my front door.

"He's awake" She smiled. I took Y/n's hand and we walked into my house and to my fathers room.

"My son" My father weakly said as he looked at me. I watched Funta help him drink some water and then back away from him.

"How ya feeling?" Y/n asked my father. He looked over at her and then down to the armor she had on. He chuckled a little and smiled at her.

"A human in Saiyan armor...and she actually looks good in it" he said as he looked back to me. I proudly smiled knowing it was my human in Saiyan armor.

"I've been better" He said as he looked back at her.

"Well you look fantastic. That hair of yours is still straight as ever. Beautiful" she said as she pinched her fingers together, kissed them, and pulled them apart as she pulled her hand away from her face. My father chuckled at her and then looked to me.

"Keep her around. She'll make a great Queen" He said as if she wasn't listening. I nodded in agreement and looked back at her as she smiled at my father.

"Son...what you did out you managed to defeat became the Legendary Super Saiyan, I have no doubt about it" he said. I inhaled a little through my mouth and let his words settle in. My father, our King, truly believes I became the Legendary Super Saiyan?

"Holy shit, really??" Y/n asked me as she turned her head and looked at me. My father and I both gave her a confused look. How does she know what we're talking about?

"I asked Janit to tell me everything about Saiyans. And boy did she deliver. I know everything about your people. Including the legends" She said as she shrugged.

"Frieza was going to kill Vegeta...but my son, our Prince, found a new energy deep inside of him and he let it out. He was stronger than anything I've ever encountered and he took Frieza out like it was nothing. His hair turned blonde, his energy was unreal...He was a Super Saiyan" My father proudly said. He went into a coughing fit and Funta helped him drink more water.

"Wow...that's incredible" Y/n whispered as she looked at me with wide eyes.

"You two should go and let him get some rest" Funta said as she adjusted my father's blankets.

"Tonight's your dance. Go, have fun" My father said as he weakly waved us away.

"I can't leave you and our people. You're too weak to lead if something happens" I said.

"Vegeta's right, you need us here" Y/n added. Us? She would rather stay here by my side instead of going to the dance? God, she's just perfect.

"Think of it as a celebration party for you for defeating Frieza" My father smiled at us. Y/n shook her head no and I smiled a little at her.

"Go. That's an order from your King" My father said. He was trying to sound harsh but he was too weak. I looked at Y/n and the back to my father.

"Fine. But we're coming home as soon as it ends" I said. Y/n looked at me and I could see that she disagreed with my decision but she didn't say anything. She's clearly loyal to me if she's willing to stay here, she risked her life for the Saiyan children, and she didn't speak out against a decision I made. That's like Queen 101. She's so perfect.

"I want to see you before you leave. Funta, get my camera ready" He said as he let out a small cough again. He was turning into such a human and I was starting to find it enjoyable.


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