Chapter 14

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2 Months Later*

"Okay, enough!" My father yelled out. We were training in the desert and I was kicking his ass. I had gained complete control over my Super Saiyan transformation and can now do it whenever I please and hold it for as long as I need to.

"Come on old man, is that all?" I joked as I flew over towards him. He rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. I may have gained a small sense of humor from these humans.

"Where's Y/n today? Doesn't she normally train with you?" He asked as he wiped the sand from his clothes. I started training Y/n months ago. At first we didn't think it would go beyond punches and kicks, but she proved me wrong. She learned to do everything I could do, besides my transformation. She could even do some of my special moves.

"She's been...distant lately" I sighed. For the past few weeks Y/n has been really distant and not her usual fun self. I've tried to ask her what's wrong but she lies and says she's fine. There's clearly something going on but she won't tell me what it is and that hurts me.

"Maybe she's just stressed out about school" My father said as we flew up into the air and towards home.

"Maybe.." I sighed. We got home and the Saiyans were crowded around our house in a panic. We landed on the path and the men ran up to us with fear in their eyes.

"Frieza has been brought back to life! He's in the Arctic!" One cried out.

"What?!" My father and I both harshly said.

"We were doing our worldly patrols like you ordered us to and we saw him and one of his soldiers in the Arctic" The other one said. After Frieza attacked the first time I ordered two Saiyans to go out and patrol the whole world once a week.

"Fucking bitch. I'm gonna destroy him" I harshly said.

"Let's make a plan first. We can't just go in there with no plan" My father sternly said. I sighed but knew he was right.

*Your Pov*

I walked down the sidewalk, making my way to Vegeta's house. I would fly but it makes me feel really nauseous. I turned the corner and saw Lain walking towards me. I've been avoiding everyone lately and I really didn't feel like talking. I quickly turned around to run away but he saw me.

"Y/n!" He yelled out. I sighed and smiled as I turned back around.

"Hey!" I said. He jogged over to me and we started walking the way he just came from.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in years! What's up?" He asked. Lain and I have known each other since we were 3 years old. He's like a big annoying brother to me and I've always told him everything. Until now. This is something Vegeta and I need to talk about first.

"Not much. Just making my way to Vegeta's house" I shrugged.

"I'll walk with you. I need to talk to him about that project Mrs. Snyder gave us" He said. We had a science project due and Vegeta and Lain were partners for it. I was paired up with Nick and he's been taking care of everything for the both of us.

We walked a few more blocks and came to the end of the sidewalk that connected our part of town with Vegeta's. I suddenly felt am evil presence among us and stopped walking. Lain looked at me with a slightly confused face as I looked around the woods.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"We need to go" I said as I turned on my heels and walked in the other direction. Something really was wrong.

"What? Why? Weren't we going to Vegeta's place?" Lain asked as he jogged after me.

"Not anymore" I said as I kept looking around.

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