Chapter 17

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"Yes, my son. You'll be named King tomorrow. Funta and the others are already setting it all up" He said as he looked up to me.

"I'll leave you two to discuss this news while I go annoy my grandkids" He said as he grabbed his coffee and walked out of the kitchen. I stood frozen in place as I stared at his empty seat. Y/n stood up and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my torso and laying her head against my back.

I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know what to say at all. I was so surprised by this news I didn't know how to react. I've wanted this more than anything and my father just handed it to me. I thought I was going to have to wait until he died.

I turned around in Y/n's arms and wrapped my own around her. I laid my head on her head and closed my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" She softly asked me.

"Fucking incredible" I softly said back. She giggled and looked up to me with a huge smile on her face.

"You're going to make an amazing King" She whispered as she leaned upwards and kissed my cheek.

"And you will make an equally amazing Queen" I said as I kissed her soft lips.

*The next day*

Y/n and got the children ready and then sent them down to the living room to watch TV. She walked into our room and smiled as she watched me adjust my uniform in the mirror. She was wearing a long red elegant gown that went down to the ground. She had her hair in a beautiful updo and she was actually wearing heels, even though she hates them. She looked like royalty.

I was wearing traditional royal Saiyan armor, complete with a red cape attacked to my shoulders. I touched the Saiyan Symbol on my peck and Y/n walked over to me, adjusting my cape.

I turned around and stared down at the woman I loved and felt so much pride for her. She kissed me a few times and then pulled away.

"We have to go" She said as she walked out of the room.


I stood on a wooden platform in front of all the Saiyan people and the humans who came into their lives. Everyone was wearing their armor apart from Y/n, who by Saiyan tradition, was wearing a dress.

My father stood next to me and gave his departing speech to the crowd. After an hour of talking and making terrible "dad jokes" he turned to me and smiled.

"Son, you've grown from a powerful Saiyan warrior to an even more powerful Saiyan father and husband. Your passion for your family drives you to be better than the best. You'll make a better King than I ever could be. And your beautiful bride will bring a new, fresh point of view for our people. You two will take the future of our race farther than its ever gone before" He said as he smiled his proud smile at Y/n and I. He turned back to the crowd and cleared his throat.

"I now pass the title, the crown, the responsibility, and the pride of Saiyan King down to my son, Vegeta the fourth. And with that title comes the title of Queen for the human woman who changes our lives. Y/n" He said as he smiled at the two of us. My father handed me a new emblem to put on my armor and gave Y/m one too. Normally, Queen's don't get an emblem because they don't wear armor, but Y/n was different.

"Rejoice for your new King and Queen!" My father yelled out as he backed away from us. Y/n and I stood tall as the Saiyans and humans stood and cheered for us. Funta walked to the platform and held the camera up to take a photo. I placed the emblem on my armor and Y/n set hers on the table to the right of us. I placed my hand on her lower back and she intertwined her hands in front of her as we smiled for the photo.

I couldn't help but think back to our senior year when we were crowned King and Queen of the Fall Formal. 10 years ago we stood this exact same way when our photo was taken. I looked at Y/n as Funta continued to snap photos and Y/n looked at me. My heart raced as she stared into my eyes, it's been 10 years and she still has this effect on me. I kissed her and the crowd began cheering even louder this time.

Bulla and Trunks joined us on the tiny makeshift stage and Y/n smiled at our beautiful children. I picked up my 5 year old daughter and held her with my left arm as I placed my hand on Y/n's lower back. Trunks stood on her left and she put her hand on his upper back. We smiled proudly at Funta as she snapped another photo of us. The Royal Family.

The end.

I hope you guys enjoyed this :) check out my page for more Vegeta X Reader, Goku X Reader, and a whole DBZ oneshot book with 140 chapters and more being added all the time :) ❤️

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