ʜᴜɪᴛ (eight)

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Your POV!

Oh my fucking god he kissed me. I gave him a hug and looked up at him. He had the most beautiful eyes. We just stared at eachother.

"You have gorgeous eyes," he says to me.

"Thanks," I say. "And you're not to bad, yourself."

We just laugh and hugged.

A Week Later

Zak said he didn't want to go home. He wanted to move in with me and Luna. We talked about it and he stayed. Later, I recieved a text messafe from Cheyanne.

Cheyanne: Hey. Its been a week. Im sorry I got mad at u. Idk what was wrong with me. Pls take me back
You: its ok
You: its been a week nd i forgive u
Cheyanne: Tysm!! Imy!!!!
You: boi imst. also skeppy is moving in with me :D
Cheyanne: Thats so great!!
You: yeah. anyway i have to go. bye!
Cheyanne: Bye

Zak went up behind me and covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" he asks.

"BaldBoyHalo?" I tease.

"Nope! Try again!"


"Yes ma'am!" He turns me around and gives me a big hug.


Zak's POV!

"I have a little problem," I say to Luna.

"What is it?"

"I really love y/n.. but I don't know how to tell her."

"Maybe you should wait for about a week. Then, when you think she likes you back, you take her to somewhere beautiful. At that point, you confess your feelings. I know the best place for asking her out."

She shows me the place. "It's perfect."

Next Chapter~

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