ᴛʀᴇɪᴢᴇ (thirteen)

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3rd POV!

It's been two weeks since Skeppy uploaded. His fans were scared for his life.

skeppy keish ~happy 2020!~ 2m
its been two weeks... I hope he's ok :(
-Alexis 4m
its been forever... pls be ok

Zak started feeling a lot better, though. He was about to continue life on YouTube.

"Hey, y/n," he says to you. "I'm feeling so much better, now."

"That's really good news," you say back to him. You give him a hug and a kiss.

"I'm gonna start uploading again."

"Okay, but don't overdo yourself. Maybe you can edit in the morning, record during noon and upload at night?"

"That's a good idea. Thanks for caring about me this much. Now, I can fix my sleep schedule."

"You're gonna have to." You both laugh and go to your PCs.

"I'm going to start streaming, do you want to be in it?"

"Sure, why not."

Zak's POV!

I already knew people are going to pop in screaming. I know I have supporting fans, but I didn't know they cared that much. I'm so grateful to have them. I open OBS to start streaming. Before I press "start streaming," I open Google to go on YouTube studio. I click "videos" and then "live." After that, I go to OBS and press "start streaming." 420 people already joined the stream.

"Hey, guys," I say. "How're you guys doing?" I open TeamSpeak and y/n joins the server.

User has joined your channel

"Hi," I hear her say in her prettiest voice. The chat exploded. They seem to love her.

"Do you want to play some bedwars?" I ask.

"Sure. You look like you could use the carry."


"I'm kidding."

Skeppy Keish has donated $1.99 through super chat
when do u guys start paying child support?

"Shut up!" I say. "She's not pregnant!"

"Wait, what did they say?"

"They asked when we'll start paying child support."

"What the heck? We're not even married."


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see."

Next Chapter~

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