ǫᴜɪɴᴢᴇ (fifteen)

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Your POV!

I was so scared about what my aunt would do to Zak. I didn't want her to take him or hurt him.

Zak's POV!

I saw the way y/n's aunt looked at me and knew what she wanted. She obviously wanted to take me from y/n. But I would never let that happen. Even if I lost everything. If she were to hurt y/n, she would face big issues. Mostly health issues.

I give y/n a tight hug letting him/her know everything would be alright.

"It's okay," I say. "I won't let her do anything to us. I promise."

"I love you," he/she says.

"I love you more."

"That's impossible."

"Anything is possible."

"Except for that." I give him/her a fake punch for fun.

Family Dinner

Your POV!

It was time for dinner.. finally. I was starving. Although, they didn't have the food I expected. There were some food that I liked, but the rest looked burned. I'm not even kidding. The first type of food I saw was pitch black.. and people still took it.

"What even is that?" Zak asked.

"I don't even know, at this point," I say. "It looks as dark as your hair."

"I know."

I sat down next to Zak across from my parents after we got our food. Then, I notice my favorite aunt sit next to me.. Aunt Casey.

"Aunt Casey!" I say, happy.

"Hi, y/n," she says while giving me a hug. After hugging, I see Aunt Jennifer sit next to Zak, which got me upset.

"Can you do me a favor?" I say to Aunt Casey.

"Sure! What is it?"

I tell her about Zak and then point to Jennifer.

"Gotcha." She stands up and goes to my other aunt.

"Why don't you sit next to me?" I hear her ask.

"U-uh.. I guess." Jennifer says back to her. She gets up and goes to the seat next to Casey. I could tell she was pretty mad.. but I didn't care.

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