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Your POV!

It's been five days.  I've always wanted kids, but this is already too much work. I've been going to the bathroom so many times and when I was hungry I go to eat. But when I start eating, I already get full. Oh well. I'll just have to deal with this for 9 more months.

Zakky's birthday was in two weeks. I don't know what to get him, though. He liked Minecraft... I mean... he never met Bad in real life, before. Maybe I can talk Bad into flying here for Zakky's birthday. But then, it would be Bad's present and not mine. Maybe for his birthday, I can get the gender of the baby. Perfect!

I go into the new gaming room we built in over the winter and go to my gaming PC. I turn it on, log in, and open TeamSpeak. I saw that Bad was in the lobby so I move him into mine.

User has joined your channel.

"Hello?" I say to him.

"Hi," he says back. "What do you want?"

"Geez," I say to troll. "No need to be so rude."

"I'm not trying to be rude!"

"I'm kidding. I need to talk to you about something."


"So Zak's birthday is in two weeks, right?"

"Yeah. I still don't know what to get him."

"I can help you with that."

"Tell me."

"So you and Zakky met over the internet, right?"


"And when he wanted you to go to Vidcon so he could actually meet you, but you didn't want to for some reason."


"Why don't you fly down here and meet him? That would be the perfect present, and that will be part one of my present."

"What's part two of your birthday present?"

"A gender reveal."

"You have a big brain."

"I know. Bigger than yours, at least."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing. You just have a small mind."

"I have a bigger mind than you!"

"Who came up with the birthday present?"

"You did..."


"Whatever. Skeppy better not troll me."

"It's real life. He can't troll you in real life."

"What if he griefs my server while I'm on the plane!? That reminds me, I'm scared of being on a plane."

"It will be okay. It's all for Zakky and for the griefing part, just bring a gaming laptop with you."

"How am I supposed to yell at him?"

"Good point. We'll just figure this all out when it gets close to Zakky's birthday."

"Okay. Talk to you later."


Next Chapter~

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