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Your POV!

It's pretty close to Bad's birthday.  I didn't know what to get him. I guess we could all fly to his place or something. Zak still has his address from when he ordered 72 pizzas.

"Hey, Skepep," I say. "I know a good birthday present idea for Bad."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Well... he came to our place for your birthday. We should do the same thing for him!"

"That's a good idea. How do you come up with really good ideas?"

"That's just how smart I am."



"You're nine months preggy. How do we know if we can bring the baby on the plane?"

"Oh... you're right. Maybe we can go to the doctor's and- AHH!!"

"What!?  What's wrong?"

"I think the baby is coming!"

Next Chapter~

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