Lagertha Ivanovich.2

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I was drunk enough to know that I was married. Bummer.
When I was standing emotionlessly onto the walls covered with arts a man came to my side. He, he was....
He looked strong, big, tall, handsome and studly.

He was absorbing and arresting

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He was absorbing and arresting. More of engrossing. He was attractive to sight. I would be sure this was the kind of man where women would kneel for him. He had this features this I couldn't tell. He looked dark and evil.
It was probably the alcohol, I told myself.
"Do you know what it means?" He looked at me carefully then over to the drawing. I was too drunk to tell but at least I could tell.

"This one right here." I pointed." It shows a bridge. A bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world and the lives of others very effectively. That there Reach's into heart, the soul of human and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires and the list goes on. But the hidden of them all is that the individual is lonely for long. Doesn't have a companion." I looked over to him realizing he was looking at me the entire time.
"But what I say is nonsense. What better could I know than the man who drew this." I smiled. "He is said to be the most feared man in the world indeed. I bet when I meet him, he'll be so small like the size of a rat. Ha! A foolish man who brings his name to fear others. Am sure when he sees a cockroach he'll be screaming his lungs out." I started laughing to the thought. But my jokes weren't funny enough to make the man standing beside me laugh.
Then I had to look at him again which I didn't because I'd look like a total jerk, for sure. Because he was so breathtakingly sexy.
That's when my eyes looked over to the crowed making me realise that people were looking at us. But why though? I wondered.
"Sir, Mallardo." A man came dressed in full black looking over to the man I was having a conversation with.
Wait I knew the name.
The man slowly whispered something into his ears after the Sir sent him off with his fingers.
Lord of all mercy. Please forgive me for I am to die a painful death.
He was Francesco Mallardo. The man I was talking about just recently. I was talking about him and he was looking at me. That's why people were looking over to our way.
Then a brief smirk passed across his face making me fear more.
"Ms..." He prolonged the sentence waiting for me to tell him my name while he took my hand into his.
"Mrs. Ivanovo...Ivanovich." Then some kind of confusion I saw in his eyes while he went down to give a passionate kiss on the back of my hand.
"Your married?" He asked.
"Yes, Sire." I answered while I faces down.
"But isn't... Doesn't..." He tried to bring a conclusion but I wasn't too patient to wait.
"Rosina, is his mistress, sire. While I am his legitimate wife. Who bore him no children yet." I answered in shame.
He brought his index finger to my chin lifting it up. He studied me for a moment then I broke the silence.
"Sorry, sire." I said.
"For what?" He pretended he didn't know while he spoke very smoothly and at the same time I wanted to jump on him.
"For talking badly and ill about you. And most shamelessly in front of you, sire." I said.
He took a reply of silence but for a short time when he said.
"Should I tell your husband, Vladimir or would you prefer punishment." What was he talking about? What kind of punishment?
"I would beg of you not to tell my husband, but sire I don't understand what you mean by punishment."
I said carefully choosing my words.

"Mm? I don't forgive. It has never been a character of mine. I shall tell you of your punishment very soon, Mrs. Ivanovich." He said ruthlessly. Not living any word of his well said.
I didn't like it. I didn't like him calling me Ivanovich. It felt like my heart wanted to fall from its cage. For a reason, I didn't understand why.
With that he left leaving a memorable scent behind. I sniffed and sniffed like a mad woman not wishing it to end.
From a distance, I saw my husband approaching.
"You whore, you bet you didn't do any mistake. Oh, pray to the lord young woman. Pray to the lord." He said giving me a hint of fear.

What an encounter I thought. I waited for the occasion to end so I could put my aching feet to bed. But the truth was I was waiting for Francesco to come. Oh, Lagertha. What a great trouble you put yourself into. Despite of all the things you've heard about him, you still want to meet him again. Let me remind you again Lagertha. He is the great, Francesco Mallardo.

Still nothing. There was something interesting about him I didn't well capture.

" I haven't yet decided." A voice captured me from behind. As I could feel the closeness of his body to mine. I couldn't move. "But I am to come here at Wednesday morning. I have business with your so called husband. I will have to see you. I bet it will be worth more than fearing cockroaches and rats, cara mia. (My darling)." A steady breath came from my lips showing how of a coward I am.

I went up when the occasion finished up. I knew today was the night he would come in. Something just told me. Then I heard a cringe of the door, to see who it could be, Vladimir.
"You bitch. You wanted to wear those naked clothes just so that you could bring attention to yourself. While guess what? Your mine to fuck you whore." He came onto me and forced himself on me. Then that's when tears of terror crossed my cheeks.
Did he have no honour?
Did he have no dignity?
Did he have no mercy?

What could a man like him get in the hands of the lord?
May he rot in hell for all I care.

Guys, I really love this chapter for an uncertain reason.
Crazy me.

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