Lagertha Ivanovich.7

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I heard a loud bang. Like the door was hit against the wall.
And it was right.
I was sound asleep.
But the one who banged the door was Mr. Mallardo.
He took his steps cautiously.
"Here is what your going to do.
We are going to turn tables here.
Instead you will be my mole.
You tell me everything that is going on there.
And obviously he can't beat a beast like me himself.
There are others. I want those motherfuckers' names.
And don't dare have the audacity to ask why you would do it.
You know I won't hesitate to kill."

He said those words with a very serious voice and at the same time he sounded sexy.
Oh my! What am I thinking?

He came in again, like he forgot something to say.
"Oh! And I have 300,000 men in the Russian army. Specifically working for me.
Twice of that in Italy.
900,000 here, right here as we speak.
And thrice that around the world.
Take that as an information. He wanted to know how many men I have. There he goes. And let him know that guns all over the world pass through us before they get smuggled.
Even the navy and the military weapons. Take it as a bonus."
He left for real this time.
The chauffeur came to take me go me safe.

When I reached home, I was summoned to Vladimir's office.

"I knew you a whore. My words are never wrong. So pray to the lord you have news for me.
Because if not, I will show the work of a whore."

"300,000 men in the Russian army. 600,000 in Italy. 900,000 in his court. 2,700,000 all over the world. All the guns all over the world passes through him. All.
The navy and military ones included."
He looked like he was electrocuted.
He eyes wanted to pop out.
A sight you would do anything to see a million of times.
He's anger was like nothing I've never seen.
"Where did you find this false information?"

He asked.
"There were papers in his cabinet. I got to see them when he was asleep."
I lied.

"Luckily he won't have time to bring all those men after we give him a surprise attack.
We have twice his men that are here right now in his court.
I need more information.
For I will be the most powerful man in the world after I cut if his balls."
He gave out a loud evil laugh.
He was so crooked with life but only if he knew what it had in store for him.

It is said when you give a man a sweet once, he will beg the second time and it will get sweeter. The third time he won't beg. He will snatch.
That was a definition of my husband.
A cruel man who wanted to see the world under his feet, but the thing was that he had no feet.

I had seven days to the names of the men Vladimir was working with.
It was really hard because all the paperwork and documents were held by, Rosina, Vladimir's mistress.


After seven days.....

Jerald Davis, The American gang leader.
Marco Rodrigo, The Spanish gang leader.
Carlos Kislev, The French gang leader.
Ahmed Suleiman, The Omani gang leader.
Gustav Farmeno, The Mexican gang leader.
Jamaica Mendoza, The Brazilian gang leader.
Vladimir Ivanovich, The Russian gang leader.

Seven men overtaking one man.

Finally, I got all the names.
You won't imagine how impossible it was to get it.

Sleepless nights I tell you.
I saw a car come over the garden side parking.
I did not need a maid to call me from the room today.
I was eager to go there.
Not that i forgot about how he threatened my life, no!
It was that I had made atleast one thing right in my whole life and was proud of it, the same way I wanted him to notice it.

I walked slowly to the car and we drove to the court.

When we arrived. The man came over and led me to the building.
Didn't Francesco have a house?
A family?

He took me to the painting room.
"Have a sit. Master will be on his way." He said that as he left and closed the door shut.

"What are you waiting for?"
I heard a voice from behind.
One that got me out of control.

I looked back from the painting I was staring at, for I had no idea when he came in.

"Huh?" I glared back at his huge body and his hair tied up as usual and sexy as fuck.
He seemed normal. Not like the other days when he was so serious.

"Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude on your paintings.
The names! I forgot..."
I talked nervously like a teenager who is technically talking to her crush for the first time. He cut me short.

"I need no names for now.
Take of your clothes. Its not time for business, chula."
He said as he headed to the chair.
What? I was confused.

Two can play the game right?

"I won't."

He looked up trying to understand what I was saying.
"Won't what?"

"I said I won't take off my clothes."
He seemed shocked by my reply.

"I think you didn't hear me we..."
"I hear you well, Mister." I cut him short as I emphasized on the mister.
What was I doing, young lady?
Am damn sure no one talks to him like that. Maybe that's the thing that's causing the shock.

"Remove. Those. Clothes. And get. On the. Fucking. Bed." He growled

"I won't take them off.
I really have to make it clear for you, cause I don't often repeat myself."

He looked like he wanted to explode.
"Don't make me do it my self, chula."
He warned me.
No way. He was bluffing. There was no way he can take off my clothes.

"Am counting to three. One.... Two.... Three."

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