Lagertha Ivanovich..14

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Lagertha's p.o.v

After we left the buliding, Francesco said that we were going back to the warehouse which I couldn't ask why cause  I already knew. He wanted to deal with the men who badged into his house.

And it was high time for me to go back to my fake life. I know its hard to admit but, it is what it is.

When we reached the warehouse, Francesco ordered me to go to his room and sleep sound.

When it was in the middle of the night there was no sight of Francesco, so i decided to go and look for him.

I got out of the room, and walked slowly not wanting to create attention.
I walked down stairs and i heard shouts and cries, there were so awful but at the same time they sounded kinda satisfying. At some point ,i don't know why.

I tried tracing where sounds were coming from. I went down to the basement, where exactly the day i found him torturing the man, who he allegedly killed.

I opened the door scared to death.

There he was. He had his hair tied up, no shirt on, and his body was filled with blood, not of his own, of course, but of the men he was torturing.
There were like four of them there.
Every one of them was chained in their own horrible way.

"Lagertha, get out of here." He warned.
I ignored his words as i headed towards him and studied him.
Then again i walked towards the men, looking at the way he tortured every one of them.

"I will not repeat myself, get out of the room."
He shouted. But i got nothing from his empty threats.
I headed towards him and lifted my finger to his chest and traced it down. And looked back at my finger and it was just blood.

"I want to watch." I pleaded with him.

He looked at me with unbelievable eyes.
"No, no way am letting you watch. It's gonna hurt you and I can't take that chance."
"Please, I won't get hurt. I promise. Just go on. And don't go easy because am here."

At this point he was confused.

"Babygirl, promise me no matter happens you won't think less of me. And after am done here, we are going to discuss your punishment. And I promise you it ain't gonna be easy."
He said.
Whatever he is going to do now would never get me thinking less of him.

"I promise."

He nodded. He then motioned me to take couple of steps back so i won't get any type of blood spilled on me.

"So! Who goes fast?" He asked twirling his knife.

Poor them. They couldn't even raise their muscles. Am pretty sure he already got the information he needed, and all this was just a funfact for him.

How he amazes me?!

He was done with all of them, we had gone upstairs, and Francesco had entered the bathroom took a bath.

After he was done he came into the bed giving me a kiss on my temple. I felt so needed at that time.

He got himself comfortable in the bed and pulled over the whole of the blanket to his side.
I sensed his motive.
He was trying to get me close to him.
There is no way am going to let him win this.

I pulled the blanket too but I didnt get an inch of it to my side. I pouted and got my baby face out.

"That ain't gonna work on me. Get your pretty ass here." He said half smirking. He pulled me over.
Hell nah?!

I was not gonna give up. I gathered the blanket and as I was going to leave with it to my side, he was so fast and got his arm to block me and then he crashed me to his body.

I started laughing out loud.

Wow?! I really don't remember my last time laughing that loud and so happy.

He also removed a short laugh.
It felt so surreal for a moment.

Then it was silence all over the place.

"I wanted to tell you something. Um.. Tomorrow I was thinking to head back to.. you know..."

He looked at me intensly. I just had to ruin it. Didn't I?.

"Is it because of today?" He asked, knowing what he meant.

"No, no!" I said.
I placed my hand on his chest looking at it then raising it to his eyes. 

"It's just that i jave been here for long and... you know how he can be sometimes. I just don't want anymore problems. And I am so behind on his attack. I have to go and check..."

"Sh?! I understand. I really do! It just makes me sad not to be with you anymore. This few past days have been so easy for me. And fuck the attack. If he does anything to you, let alone shout, call me right away, am going to come for you."
He said. Ofcourse he didn't know I was beaten and raped. And I didn't want him to know. Sympathy coming from him would hurt me more than anything in this world.

I just nodded my head.

And he put his head back and I tried the damn move i tried earlier. And he seemed to win the blanket over and over again.
He pulled me more closer.

"Babygirl, you can be smart out there but in the bed, I think you have to leave it to me."

My mouth had opened in a agap and couldn't hide the embarrassment. 
He laughed as we headed off to sleep.


Next morning.

"Get your pretty ass in the car before I get to do it." He said.

I rushed into the car, leaving no chance for him to do so.

When we reached the house, Francesco insisted on taking me inside.
We headed to the living room where I couldn't believe my eyes.

There were two men. One of them, the bastard I was married to and the other, one i recognized so well.

The man sitting on the couch with my husband called out to Francesco.

"Marco!" Francesco said with so much hatred in his voice.

"Brother, long time no see." Marco said. Looking at my side, he smiled.

"Katerina?! Wow! What a beautiful morning we have here." He said.

At that point I felt so dizzy. I looked over to Francesco who was also confused. He could feel I was not feeling okay.

After that was all darkness.

How are ya'll?
Here is an early update.
Am so sorry for the bad suspense.
I just had somthing in mind and i couldn't let it flop.

I wanted to ask if ya'll thought that i should do  Francesco's p.o.v.

Drop your answers in the comments.


Stay safe.😘

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