Lagertha Ivanovich.9

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It had been two weeks since i last saw Francesco. He didn't send for his drver to pick me up. I felt worried for a reason.
I took the phone he secretly gave me and dialed him.
"Hallo?" I said.
"Lage-ertha, what do you... you want?" Then i heard a loud painful groan. He was in pain. Real pain if you ask me. "What is wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing. Just having a bad morning. Goodbye." Before he let me speak, he had already cut the line. What a mut head.
I knew from experience that he was hurt. Like big time. So i ordered a taxi and waited for it to arrive.

I hurried outside and tried to ignore the security guards.
"Mam! You are not to get out without Mr. Ivanovich's permission."
"Didn't he tell you? I am to go to Mr. Mallardo's house. Since his driver is not there he called a taxi. And who are you to question me? Are you aware what  my husband would do if he knew you questioned me?"
"Sorry mam! It won't repeat again. I beg of you not to tell him."
I had a brief look and tried to regain my confidence.
"Open up the gates. Let the car in."
He did as I told him. I boarded the car and gave him the address to go to.
When we reached I thought I would have problems with the security guard, but once he saw me he opened up the gates. Maybe he was familiar with this face. I alighted the car and entered the warehouse.
As I passed the men looked and me as if they saw a piece of meat.
My first place to check out was the painting room. But nothing.
I walked by the corridor and found a one way stair case. I went and followed till I came up.
I found women there. Actually there were maids and others nurses. I spotted one trying to rub blood from her hands.

I kept on walking ignoring the eyes that were directed towards me. Finally I found a door. It was different from the others. Then a woman got out with a bowl of water and a cloth full of blood.

I hurried in and closed the door behind me.
That moment. I felt like my heart was going to fall out of its cage. I saw him. He was lying on a bed lifelessly. Blood covered on the better part of his hands. I hurried towards him.

He opened his eyes memorizing me. He couldn't believe his eyes. He shut it once and opened it once again and saw the same figure in front of him. He then closed them tight again and reopened them.

I saw where the source of the blood was located at.
It was on the left part of his stomach.
It was deadly if you ask me.
"What... d... Doing ... Here?" He struggled saying the words.
I placed my index finger on his lips urging to keep him quite.
I had experience in medicine.
Since Rosina was a doctor and whenever any person came injured she would help with it. She would make me her nurse which I despised.
"Get your hands off the wound. Slowly. I won't hurt."
He looked worried for the first the first time. He looked like he needed help for the first time. Even if he tried to hide that side of him, there was no way he could hide it from me.

I studied the wound. It was a bullet. But the blood wasn't coming out, it was an internal bleeding. But why was there blood on his hands.
I couldn't believe it. He had another blood on his back. That was the one that was bleeding.
Did he want to kill himself?
"Oh my god! Mr. Mallardo why didn't you call a doctor. Do you want kill yourself? Why didn't you do something?" I walked away from him and brushed my hair with my fingers.

I headed to the door and opened the door.
"Bring the surgical tools. I need two nurses and two hot towels. Also come with a bowl full of water. Then one of you to go down stairs and let four men accompany. I need strong ones."
I ordered but no one was moving.
"Hurry!" I shouted. They all started moving. I waited in the room when the men arrived.
"I need you to carry him over to that table. And make him lie on his right side." As they finished it, I told them to get out and started the surgery. I hoped it was going to be successful, for if I did one mistake I would lose this man forever.

I was done. After five hectic hours, I was done. And I was successful. I praised the almighty lord for saving his life.
I changed the mattress and the bed sheets and laid him there for the night. I sat on a chair there beside him in case of anything.

I woke up slowly wondering why my neck was aching. To find out that sleep took the better side of me I jumped trying to see if he was okay.

His eyes were wide open.
"You know, if you wanted to sleep comfortably, you would have just slept next to me and consumed the warmth."
He was okay. I didn't concentrate on any word he said.
Then I remembered I had to act angry. Actually you know what? I as angry.
"What is it with the face, Ms. Lagertha?"
He asked.
I stood up and adjusted my clothes.
"Are you crazy? You would have killed yourself. Why didn't you even care to call a doctor? You are the great Francesco. What were you thinking?"
I hissed. He didn't answer any of my questions which made me more furious.
"It wasn't a big wound. I would have handled it myself. And I don't need a doctor. Am a man. Am Francesco Mallardo. I don't need people. People need me."
Was he for real?!
"I wonder, how does that ego of yours fit your head? And for your own information you looked helpless lying on that bed when I found you."
He just looked at me uttering no such word.
Why was he fucking quite?
"Why aren't you speaking?"
I asked but no response. He kept on looked ng at me as if I was dinner tonight.
"Come closer." He said.

I went near the bed standing waiting for his next move.
"Closer." I bent further until my face was on top of his face.
"Closer." That's the moment his hot breathe hit my face like a strong wind during summer. I was speechless. "Am already close."
"Fine I'll do it myself." He lifted his hand quickly as he brought it behind my head pulling me to crush my lips with his.
That's when I lost control. I totally lost it. All the burden I had was gone by a glimpse. How did he do it.

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