Lagertha Ivanovich.6

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I came up from lunch as I entered the library. It was my second most favourite place. My first was my room since I didn't like catching up with anyone and the library, most of the time was quite.

I pulled out a book that I was half reading.
Something particular disturbed my attention. I couldn't do anything this past weeks.

I could even read a book.

All my mind was mingling on was the drug lord. Francesco De Mallardo.

He didn't call for almost three weeks.
Yes I know.
I was the one that pulled it off and Vladimir could come to my room at night claiming that I screwed his only chance and then rapes me. Yap! I do call it rape.
For no man has the right to force himself on a woman without her permission. Even though he is your husband.

He would also beat me up.
There were bruises all over my face and body.

This was the kind of life I was living in.

A maid called from the door.
I looked at her and waited for a response.
"A car is waiting for you and Mr. Ivanovich told you to get out in a peak of a second. Those were his exact words, mam!"

I hurried to my room and grabbed my bag. I didn't care what I had wore, it wasn't really in my interests.

It was the same man who came to pick me up that day.

When we reached I was not taken to another different place. We were heading down.

It looked like we were heading into a basement.
I rather would not ask questions.

Suddenly I heard someone shout.
My baby hair on my skin was on alert.
I was scared.
As we kept going I heard more screams.
"Where are we going?" I asked
But as it seemed the man was a perfect match to be deaf.
We then headed to a door.

I saw a two men. The description of their position was the problem.
One was tied on ropes.
Up on the roof.
He was hanging his feet barely touching the ground.
He was bleeding.
All over.
He was missing some fingers.
The other one.
The other was hard to describe for he was a monster.
He was indescribable.
He was doing the monstrous things to the man.
He's long silk hair tied up.
Holding a knife on his hand and also a rope.
"Sir! I did as you asked."
When he said so, he left.

This wasn't about the painting, was it?
I got scared maybe I was next.
I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Miss. Lagertha. Do you know what I do to people who defy my
He said without giving me a glance. He then proceeded with cutting off his left ear.
The man shouted so loud. That was so inhumane.
I looked away.
"Turn your head, Miss Lagertha."
He said loudly but I couldn't even though I wondered how he knew.
"If another body part is ripped from his body, it's your fault."
I then quickly turned my gaze back.

"Wanna know what this bull did?
Huh? He defied my orders.
Not once but twice.
The first time, I cut his toe out.
But now it seems that he has no use of the others since he goes on
defying my orders. The English men say, once bitten, twice shy.
But look at this. We're Italians. We never give a shit about what fucking English men say. I started right Romeo?" He asked the man upfront of him.
He couldn't even talk.
"Do you relate someone of the sort? Huh,cara mia.(my dear.)"

Oh damn I did. It was this piece of a shit standing here scared to death.
"No, sire!"
"So you wanna play games?"
He ached an eyebrow.
He then faced the man and stabbed the knife to his right eye.
This time round he didn't scream.
As painful as it seemed, he didn't.

"Is he- de- dead?"
I talked with my soft voice.

"Yes he is." He came over to me, grabbed my arm with his large hands covered with blood and took me upstairs.

I was next.

He took me to a certain room which I had no idea of.
He forced me to sit on a wore off couch and he headed to a small door on the corner.
After a couple seconds I heard water running.
Was he going to drown me? I asked my self.

He came out of the door dresses in a black pajamas and a white shirt looking all steamy and water dripping from his hair.

He entered a cabin and took out something that seemed like a gun. Wait wholly shitty cow.
It was a gun.
I closed my eyes for I knew I couldn't beg for my life.
For what would be there to beg for?
A life that couldn't stand up for itself.
A life that had no meaning.

A life that wasn't worth living.

He came up to me and pointed the gun under my chin.
And his other hand was on my neck tight that I couldn't breath.

"What did that pig of a husband send you to do, huh?"
I tried to get his hand of my neck with my hands but I couldn't handle him.
I tried to say I couldn't breath but he didn't give a shit.

"Answer me!"
He shouted so loud.
"Why are you really here?"

I tried to tell him I couldn't talk by pointing his hand in my neck.
After he realised I tried to regain my breath.
"He told me to seduce you.
To make you fall in love with me.
But I told him that you didn't have a heart.
I swear I didn't intend on doing it."
"Doing what? What were you going to do?"
He shouted again.
"He told me to see how things were going on here. How many men you have. Where you keep your weapons and all that but I didn't tell him a thing. I swear I didn't.".
He released the gun from me and went walking around like a fucking maniac.
"I am the fucking drug lord.
I am the lord of evil.
I am Francesco De Mallardo.
I am the one and fucking only.
Who dares to plan against me?
Who dares to try defy me?

He roared like a wild beast.
I was terrified.
"Am gonna kill him.
I will cut his lungs from his back.
I will chew his liver.
Then cut his body parts into pieces and feed them to the greedy hyenas. I swear I will kill that ungrateful pig."

He roared.
He threw the gun on the floor with a loud bang and the left the room at an instant.
I was locked in the room all alone and cold.
I couldn't find anything to lie on rather than a torn up couch.

I laid there wondering what Vladimir is thinking I was doing here.
I know he was very sure I was being a whore and lost track of time.
Slumber took the better part of me.

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