Chapter 12

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"I am so sorry, Dave. That son of a bitch." Liz was about to burst her veins.

"It is okay."

"How can you say that Dave? He cheated on you."

Yup. I had a thing for cheaters. It was to be expected. To be honest, I should have seen it coming.

Someone to love me and only me? Snort!

Liz was madder that I did not care. Tim and I were drifting apart. And Jason and I were apparently cosy with each other according to him.

Mama insisted that I bring Tim to our family Christmas party on 23rd if we could make it. Mom hosted it that day because she believed we should spend real Christmas with family members.

On Christmas eve and day, it was mostly just Mom, Aunt Marie and I.

I liked it that way.

I was postponing the question day after day that Liz had to drag me to the party I had previously declined.


Tim was humping some twink on his couch. Liz screamed and I turned around.

When Liz left us to 'discuss', I asked the 'Why?'.

His reasoning was that I was cheating him on with Jason. Why else would I call and talk to him every day!

I proved I was not and told about my project.

So he backtracked and told me since we were only dating and he had not asked me to be his official boyfriend yet, it was allowed. That was how dating worked and I did not know that because I had never dated before.

And the twink already had a girlfriend and that again, made this not count because he was not looking for a relationship.

I was all about people being with other people they liked... just inform the person you were planning to have a relationship with, so they would know what they were up for.

I walked away in the midst of his rambling.

Another drawback of being smart was that I could handle only so much stupidity at once without having a literal headache.

Like really, when the logic clashed, it made me angry and frustrated and then headache.

What was my logic in missing Robbie? Oh right. That brought me heartache; the most depressing of all.

Liz took the matter in her own hands and punched him in the face after I told her.

She was the one to drag me. Poor Dave; so heartbroken.

That was broken for some time, Liz.

I actually was glad that I would not have to attend another party. Tim should cut off his socializing if he wanted to graduate.

At least Liz got one thing right. Instead of having nightmares now it was wet dreams.

I dreamt about following Robbie to a cliff and falling.

I dreamt about being with him as his lover.

I dreamt about us being husbands.

Now tears only came after waking up.

Was it a win?

I texted my mom about our 'breakup'.

"Good", she said, I was not smiling in those photos and I should not be with someone who could not make me smile.

Wiser words were never spoken.

Liz was sad that I was going home alone. I was ecstatic that I was not going to share my mom's attention. I wanted to sleep on her chest. I missed her a lot.

"You could at least pretend to be heartbroken, you know."

I did not have to.

"I am Liz. It is just, I pretend to be happy so no one else sees me in pain." Finally, a truth.

"Really?" Lizs' eyes widened with horror, it was comical.

I laughed and she threw herself at me to punch but we ended up hugging.

"Text me about the party. I wanna see how super rich people party."

I rolled my eyes. "We watch movies. Except in home theatre."

She thought it was cool.

I could not wait to go home.

I heard Robbie and Janice were not attending ours. They were to spend at Aunt Marie's house. Or should I say mine? She moved in last month to the house mom bought for me. It was about 5 miles from my home. Good. I did not think I could handle seeing Robbie and Janice together.

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