Sunday, May 7th, 2017 Pt. 2

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I'm currently sitting by a tree at the park, babysitting my siblings. The youngest who is a girl is 5 years old is playing on the monkey bars, she's beautiful and the light of my world. Her older brother who is 7 years old is practicing his Tae Kwon Doe skills, he is really good at it. They both are the most precious things in my life, I am devoted to lead them towards success and always look after them.

I am annoyed because I had to bring our annoying poodle, don't get me wrong I love dogs, but this one is just not it. Eating my shoes, waking me up early in the morning, and he once pooped on my carpet. Literally I just know he hates me, I have a German Shepard who is mine. It's only the kids and me today so bringing that giant all by myself was a big no no. 

I am lost in my thoughts and listening to Shape of you by Ed Sheeran. It's crazy how one simple thought turns into another and another and another causing you to overthink, that can be either a good or bad thing. Good because maybe it'll make you smile, bad because it'll make you frown. I'm not in the greatest mood because I am cold and famished, literally this weather is more bipolar than me. Yesterday it was extremely hot, but today it's been raining all day, who understands this, cause I don't. 

It's lonely here only the 3 of us, well 4 counting the dog. You know sometimes I want to grab a bottle of beer and get fucked up, but then I remember my parents will kill me. That is why I dance, to get lost in my own little fantasy, where only my body expresses feelings and I get drunk in the music. Dancing is everything to me, it would make me so sad if I had to leave. Contemporary and lyrical are what I do most, maybe a bit of hip hop. 


A/N: Well this is the end for this one, nothing crazy happened that day. Talking more present time as in 17 year old me, right now everything seriously sucks. I got my retainers today! They feel so uncomfortable and I have a lisp.

- What is your favorite hobby?

- Do you have any pets? How many?

- Do you have any siblings? How many?

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