Jin-Fake Girlfriend

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So basically, in this story, Jin is home schooled by his parents because his parents are incredibly rich and they don't want no gold diggers. ;)

I was waiting for my mom to come to my room to teach me, but she didn't come. Instead, she shouted for me to come downstairs.



When I came downstairs, I saw my parents and an unfamiliar girl standing nearby. She's kind of pretty... Wait what?!?! Snap out of it Jin.

"Who is she Mom?" I pointed at the girl.

"Oh Jinnie. This is Min Y/n. She is the daughter of our friends, the Mins."

So this is the girl my parents are babbling on and on about. She shyly waved at me.

"Hi.", she spoke quietly, looking at the ground.

"Jinnie, your father and I have been discussing since last night. We have decided to finally let you go to school. After all, you have been begging us for a long time now."

My eyes widened in excitement.

"Really? You aren't joking right?"

"Of course not! We would never joke like that!"

My mom ruffled my hair.

"Wait then what was the point of bringing Y/n?"

My mom and dad shared "the look".

"Well... Since there will obviously be people only after your money, we decided that Y/n will be the person who will make sure that never happens. Like a personal bodyguard."

I grew enraged at the fact that my own parents thought I couldn't fight for myself.


"Kim Seokjin. Do not raise your voice at me. I am your mother and Y/n will protect you and that is that. If Y/n comes and complains one word to me, I will cut off your bank account."

My mouth shut at her last statement. She can't be serious right? Let the days of torture begin...

(School Day)

When I was walking into school, I was greeted by many whispers and stares.

"OMG who is that guy right there?"

"He's so cute!"

"I bet I can get his number before the day ends."

"Ew who's that girl behind him?"

"Jeez that girl can't even give him space. She's following him like a dang stalker."

"Wow I feel bad for the guy who has to deal with that ugly bitch following him like a creep."

I don't know why, but my blood boiled at their statements involving Y/n.

(After classes)

I was at my locker putting away my books for the day, but then a group of girls approached me.

"Hey oppa! We were just wondering. Who is that girl that keeps following you everywhere?"

I looked at Y/n who seemed emotionless.
I broke out into a cold sweat. I can't explain that she's my bodyguard.

"U-uh well she is m-my... Uh.."


The girls raised their eyebrows, getting more pissed at my silence by the second.


I put my hands over my mouth. My face turned pink. Jin, what the hell is wrong with you? Calling the girl you like your girlfriend.

When I glanced at Y/n again, her eyes were widened. The girls also had wide eyes as they stepped back. They ran away without saying anything.

"Seriously Jin? Girlfriend. Not sister or cousin. Out of all the things you could've said and you chose girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes.

At the same time, I felt a blush creep onto cheeks when he said that. Don't get my hopes high like that Jin...

I flicked him on the forehead, making him wince in pain.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For calling me your girlfriend."

He rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go home and forget about everything ok? I'll see you tomorrow again."

He walked away, leaving me to deal with my own feelings.

(Next Day)

I was at my locker again, praying that the same group of girls wouldn't come to ask questions about me and Y/n. However, luck wasn't on my side.

They cornered me with a smirk on their faces. They batted their lashes to me. I internally gagged.

"So oppa."

One of the girls started tracing shapes on my chest while Y/n just silently stared.

I stepped back, trying to send some hints to Y/n that I'm cough single cough.

"If you are really dating Y/n. Prove it."

She smirked at me, thinking I wouldn't do anything. I turned to Y/n who looked frantic.

I mouthed "I'm sorry" before landing my mouth on hers. I put her against the lockers softly and kissed her passionately. Y/n stayed emotionless, but soon started kissing me back.

I was surprised but felt overjoyed at the same time.

After a while, Y/n hit my chest indicating she needed air. I pulled away and smiled in victory when I saw the girls had left.

When Jin was kissing me, I felt so happy, but then I remembered that it was only a joke. I tapped his chest, silently telling him to pull away.

When he did, I knew I was a blushing mess. I looked everywhere but him. When I looked at the floor, I felt Jin kiss me on my cheek.

"I know you love me Y/n. But don't worry, I do too. Starting tomorrow, you'll be my girlfriend. See you later cutie!"

He skipped away, but I felt happy that he returned my feelings.

Oof im sorry. This was a bad chapter. I didn't have many interactions between the two of them so it was rushed. I apologize!

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