Today's alright

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November 1st, 1994

New month. New me. It's alright.

Things have been looking up. Dad says he'll be home next week! Finally. It's been like forever. Turner's been kind of quiet lately. He's usually nonstop talking...I wonder if he'll miss me when I move back in with pops?

It always seemed like I was bothering I was just in the way of his good time. He probably just tolerated me...Why do I always mess myself up? In two seconds, I go from being happy to feeling like everything's caving in...I can't do this anymore.

Maybe if I just send a hint...Cory gets me. I wonder if he noticed all those times I got quiet and left? I guess he usually follows me...doesn't let me be alone. But maybe I need that, to be alone. At least I know myself. I know I can't leave me. Everyone else can, but I at least have me.

Unwritten Soul-Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now