What? Just what?

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January 9th, 1995

Well, I found out why Turner's been on my case. Cory confessed to me that he told Turner about the writings he found, that were in MY locker. We are not on speaking terms right now, me and Cory I mean, so I guess I'll be writing a bit more than usual. I'm the only person I can trust with these sensitive matters.

January 10th, 1995

Ha, Turner caught me sneaking out. I just couldn't stay put. C'mon 8 o' clock? He's getting better at this parent stuff though. Or maybe I'm just losing my edge. Have I become a housebroken dog perhaps? Frightening thought. Yeah, I'm grounded, so that means absolutely nothing for a week. What is that gonna do? I still have legs to leave.

January 12th, 1995

Today's been strangely hard for some reason. I can't seem to find my rhythm. Still haven't spoken to Cory. I wonder if he's still mad at me, as much as I was at him? Of course Topanga's gotta butt in and be the goodie-two-shoes, prying open our friendship to see the cause of our issues. It's laughable really. In a kind of cute, nagging sort of way...Don't tell her I said that. When push comes to shove, I know Cory would come if I needed him. He's a good friend. Maybe I'm a lousy one. But I need my space to think and write. They just don't get that. They have each other when they need to vent. I got me, myself, and I.

Hi. It's me again. Turner pushed me to my limits after lunch today. He was asking me all these prying questions. Why does he have to make my life so miserable? What is with these people? I regret this now, but I blew up. In class. He just doesn't get that I'm not cut out for school. Or life the way he wants it. Detention of course...it tends to be a regular thing. Oh joy.

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