Maybe this will numb the pain, poetry again

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Down on my luck
Head so filled with tragedy
I'm not enough
No one cares to see what's underneath

People say "buck up"
Do they want to know the truth?
All the times I had some love
I got robbed blindly by false hope

Why trust again
When people come with baggage?
Why believe in good
When the world is filled with selfishness?

I don't need a pill
I just needed you
When you held my hand
Then you dropped me flat

Over and over again

Why find love when it doesn't exist?
What you see is what you get
Maybe I'm just calloused
Or maybe I'm well past enlightenment

Either way I'm falling
With no one there to catch me
The only one who might is Cory
Except he's distracted by the glory
Of a childhood filled with fun and laughter
Everyone together

And what do I got?
Nothing much
But a hole in my soul
And a gut filled with knots

Maybe I'll take a stroll
Where no one's been before
And I'll find the missing scroll
With my name written in plaited gold
Promising a life I've never known

Where the stars remind me I'm not alone
That I can trust more than myself
And my family comes back whole
And we can hide from the insanity that is the world

It doesn't seem that way
I just don't know where to go
Maybe no one knows
Where you get the finer things

Maybe it's just a deck of cards
We're chosen randomly
Some get all they ask for
While others are left twiddling their thumbs

I don't know
I just don't know.
Never felt this alone.

Unwritten Soul-Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now