The narrative: outside looking in

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January 4th, 1995

Cory somehow got a hold of a few of my writings. All day, he's had this shocked look on his face. He's been weirder than usual, kind of following me around like a lost puppy. That's what I get for expressing myself...This is a sad existence I tell ya, just sad.

January 6th, 1995

That dingus will not relent. I've been telling him I'm fine, that there's nothing wrong. Who am I fooling? He sees right through me. Everyone does. That big gaping hole just won't shut. It drives me insane sometimes. It makes me do things that I normally wouldn't what, you ask?? More on that later. Gotta head to lunch. Maybe a little food is what I need. It always seems to make Cory feel better. Why not me?

January 6th, 1995 (after lunch)

I need to find a new writing place. In class someone might mistake my personal notes for ones that get passed around. I gotta be more careful. This is fragile stuff. Don't want the wrong eyes seeing this, ya know? I guess it's too late for that...Cory. Ugh. So annoying.

Alright, I'm back. Just ducked out for a bit. The bathroom is a quiet place, kinda nice actually. Wait...someone's coming. Shoot. I knew this nook wouldn't last.

Of course it was Cory. Man, he's so nosy sometimes. He thinks he can just fix everyone and everything. Well, I did some damage control since he read my stuff, and I'm glad to say that so far, it's paid off. He won't be having that pleasure with me. Had to get him off my scent though, so I distracted him with the apple I found in my backpack. What a schmuck. Alright, he left. Now down to business. Guess what? I have a curfew now. Bet you didn't know that. Guess what it is though? You're gonna laugh. I know I did (John didn't like that so much).

8 o' clock. 8 f*cking o'clock.

The guy's been torturing me I swear. What kid in their right mind's gonna respect that sort of curfew? Turner's been busting my chops about something new everyday since the whole adoption convo, like he can change me. It must be that stupid gaping hole everyone sees. Soon, this pretending's gonna get the better of me. I know it.

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