Dead ends everywhere

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April 8th, 1995

Apparently I've been enjoying myself too much lately. At least that's what everyone's implying. Especially Cory's parents. That finally "showed up," acting like they have the right to give advice. They say I'm being reckless. What do they know? What's wrong with just having fun? I have to fight for good things, fight for my right to be happy with the little I've got going for me.

I mean, I've got Cory doing more with me now, which is good. It's been exciting. Going to movies, playing video games, just like old times. Living it up. Being the third wheel. What more could I want? Two best friends. Most people only have one. But most people don't have two best friends that are dating each other. You don't believe I'm happy, do you? Not sure if I believe it myself. Eh, I'll get along just fine.

April 10th, 1995

This is the second time in two days that Turner has locked me in my room. He says I don't know when to quit. What does that even mean? I'm just trying to enjoy myself. And I thought quitting was for losers? I'm stubborn, okay? What can I say? I only took his motorcycle once for a test drive. You don't need a license for a bike! C'mon, everyone knows that. It's a bike. All except Turner. The dumb *ss.

Staring at the ceiling is somehow comforting...maybe it's because I'm so used to it. But I'd rather see the sky. I'm grounded like every other day. It sucks. He's bolted the windows. There's no escape. He knows every move I make now.

I've got to do something drastic if I'm going to get out of this choke hold I'm in. I'm writhing and nobody notices...A bat! I have one of those. I'm sure I have enough allowance saved up to smash one window. I'll tell you how it goes.

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