Family doesn't really matter

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March 20th, 1995

My lame half-broski Jack came to visit me. He didn't care to visit when I was in the hospital though. That's a true friend right there. He didn't help me when I needed him the most. I don't see why I have to be nice. Turner was so fed up with me today, but my half-blood brother does not deserve squat from me. He can go live in Tahiti for all I care. Ya know the first thing he said to me after months of nothing? "Hey, did you hear dad died?" Really? He didn't know I knew. He doesn't know me at all. None of my family does. None of them check in unless they want something from me, as if I had something to give. I was sent to my room five minutes into him visiting. Turner said I need a new attitude, but I think it fits me just fine. It's worked to get me out of a lot of dumb situations. I don't care. I really don't.

Like I said, who needs family when you have friends? The Matthews have said once that I was like family to them, but did they show up (besides Cory)? No. They didn't. They didn't even try. Feeny? Same thing. Why am I even here? They can just all move together in the middle of nowhere. Bet you I'd be happier.

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