I'm not good at this "being close" thing

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(I'm not sure what day it is.)

Turner finally came. My anger burned inside me. I tried to lunge at him but that same old nurse had her eye on me. She never left the room once. I growled a little. Turner tried to give me a half-hug, but I kicked him, not hard, more as a warning to stay the h*ll away. Why would I be nice to somebody who dumps me somewhere against my will? I could tell that hurt him. I didn't care at the time. He just held my hand since I didn't have the option to refuse, and that nurse was staring me down. Then I just pretended to sleep. Maybe this is what death is like...eyes closed in a state of empty.

Turner followed me in the ambulance to a new place. The nurse said it was where I'd be staying for a while. It's called the Jenner Hospital for Troubled Youth, a "looney bin". I do NOT belong here. I'm NOT crazy. At least not THAT crazy. They have locks and everything (I bet I could pick them), and worse than prison 'caus you get no TV. Just books, and get this, school FOLLOWS you. Puke. The food tastes like old socks too. Blah. There's absolutely nothing for me here. I'd rather be anywhere else, even dead.

(The next day)

Turner stayed yesterday as long as he could. He's back today. I don't know why. We don't even say anything to each other. There's nothing really TO say. He must be out of his mind with boredom. I know I am. Don't see how this is helping me. I just got diagnosed as  depressed, but they don't see me at school. I'm usually not like this. It's a waste of time. Plus, the other kids that are here are SO annoying. They are total brats, every last one of them. At least I'm not that bad. Just sad is all, but who wouldn't be after hearing their dad kicked the bucket?

I wonder how Cory's doing...Poor thing. He's probably more traumatized than I am. He can't handle the same stuff I can. He's too much of a marshmallow, too soft for this world. I was told he can't visit due to privacy and safety reasons. That's bullsh*t. You hear me? BULLSH*T.

Turner tried to break the ice between us during lunch today. They let me eat in my room as long as he's there. Man, it was so AWKWARD. He would get two words out, then choke. Man, he's been taking this pretty hard. I'M not taking this that hard. I feel a little bad for kicking him yesterday. I mean, I know he means well. Man, this sucks. I'll just stare at the wall for the rest of the day I think. Cool. This is my life.

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