Chapter 31

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I was home. That's what I was thinking about right now. Even here Ella still surrounded me. Everywhere I looked I saw her. The past month had been awful without her but here it seems worse. I couldn't even take a step into the barn because it reminded me of those nights in the hay.

I couldn't look at my sister. It was her fault that I'd lost the one girl I'd actually loved.

I really didn't understand why Ella was so mad. If I'd told her when I first met her she would have been thrilled. She was being too harsh.


  Being home felt amazing. I loved college and I loved Colorado but nothing could beat being around my family. We had a three week long break. I was assuming that by the end of the break I'll be ready to go back to school.

Anyways, today was Christmas Eve. Our family would be here any minute and I still had a mountain of cooking to do. But it would all be worth it when we had an amazing feast.

My dad walked into the kitchen right when the buzzer rang. "Mike," he yelled, "get the door!" Then he turned to me. "Need help?"

I nodded. "Make the appetizers." Dad nodded and did just that.

Once again the night passed in a blur of dinner, gifts, and my bratty cousin being a little less bratty than before. Our family was spending the night here. Now it was 11:37 at night and I couldn't sleep. I didn't know what to do so I crept downstairs. As I was searching downstairs for a book I pulled out a drawer and saw something I hadn't seen in a very long time. I pulled out my mom's bible. I thought she'd taken it when she left.

I sat on the couch and opened it. Something fell out. It was a letter. My mom left us only a few weeks after Grayson was born. Even when she was around she wasn't really around. Throughout the years she had many affairs and put my father in some debt. To me she was wasn't a mom. She was just somebody who lived with us for a while.

I opened the letter and read what it said.

Dear Michael, Ella and Grayson,

I don't know if your dad will ever give you this bible or if he'll even remember that I left it. I wanted to pass it down to you guys as something to remember me by. My mother gave me this bible. She told me to take the advice it gave me and use it wisely. I didn't. Maybe if I had I wouldn't be where I am now. The only advice it ever gave me was to stop hurting those who care about you. That's why I left. I hope that you three grow up to be amazing people. Ella, be strong and confident. Don't let people take advantage of you. Michael, always remember that being a gentleman won't ever hurt you. Grayson, stay as innocent as I remember you. Please, take all the advice this gives you and use it. Don't make the same mistake I did.


I reread this letter over and over. I'd always tried to forget my mom. This was striking a cord. She loved excuses. This letter was just a big excuse. But the part about me letting people take advantage. That was what really made me want to cry. This all felt like destiny. Like I was supposed to find this now. After I'd let Ben treat me awful and Jacob take advantage of me.

I checked the clock. 11:50. Then I texted my dad since he was asleep. I'm going out. I'll be home in about an hour.

Grabbing my purse, I walked out of the building and down the street. There was a little corner church that we used to go to. Their midnight mass was just starting as I snuck in. 

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