Crowns and Pastries | Introduction

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{A/N} | Hello everybody who's reading this.

English is NOT my first language so please notify me if you see any grammatical errors so I can fix those:).

I hope you'll enjoy reading this story, as I had a lot of fun writing it. And don't forget to leave behind your thoughts:) |


"I don't regret loving him."

Crowns and Pastries

COREY was just an ordinary student who was helping out in the bakery in his hometown. Having his life changed for good was the last thing he expected when he signed up to help with the king's birthday.

ETHAN was second in line for the throne. He never expected to find someone who was different. Someone who didn't treat him like the prince, but as himself. With the secret that he was carrying, he never allowed himself to dream about that.

Turns out, the universe has a lot more planned for them both.

Just not without throwing some stones at them first.

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