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your tiny feet surrounded by his big sneakers daring the first step into his big house, the warmth directly hitting your body as it was summer outside - your heart was beating so fast, although you were just entering a house.

his house.

you had never imagined yourself in his house, no. you were used to see the incredible beautiful built house from the outside, you were used to live on the streets, only looking at houses instead of actually entering one of them.

the owner of this house, jungkook, noticed your lost face expression. your heart was clenching, you wanted to look around, hug him for his kindness. give him everything you had as a return for him inviting you in.

apparently, you had nothing.
so it was quite problematic to give him anything in return, but looking at jungkook's behaviour, he didn't even want to get anything from you.

still, you were here, inside of his house.
his bag landing on the floor, your knees immediately got weak, throwing yourself on the ground as you bowed thankfully to him, a big "what the fuck" written on jungkook's face, who didn't know why you were on your knees.

"thank you so much, I don't know how much I can thank you, but if I could, I would give you everything", without noticing, you started sobbing - first, an actual conversation with someone who wasn't looking down at you, secondly, a bunch of food only for you, thirdly, being able to feel the warmth which not poor people were able to feel.

this was just too much for you.
so you cried, cried your eyes out, not even having a reason for your tears - happiness? relieve? sadness?

why were you crying?
this was just so overwhelming for you. someone who cared about you - only because you wanted to give him those stupid sneakers back.

jungkook was a true angel, someone who fell from heaven, but somehow was still flying on the clouds.
he even looked like an angel - although his way of dressing was shouting "DEMON". his style was dark, but his heart... it was a lighted up place, full of kindness, love and support.

"p-please get on your feet again", jungkook stuttered confused as he didn't know how to react. how to handle the situation well.

your heart was clenching, your eyes were burning, your sobs were uncontrollably. you were weak, so weak.

"namwaan?", he asked after you haven't moved a bit.
your head on the ground, you cried, it was mind blowing.

this was.. a dream, right?

"um.. do you.. mind?", without hesitating, he bend down and put his strong arms around you causing you to sob even more.

you didn't deserve this.

feeling his incredible comfortable warmth, his good smelling scent flying to your nose, his hands finding itself in your hair, playing with it.

better said, trying to brush it with his hands, but it was kind of problematic.

and then it came into your mind: for him, this must be a horrible hug. him putting his arms around an ugly, like shit smelling human "something", which couldn't do more than balling their eyes out.

"how about taking a shower, huh?"


"so, like, I don't have any women stuff here..", he apologised, handing you a shampoo for men while you were just staring at the shower.

a shower.

"oh, no! Wait, my girlfriend left one recently", he suddenly searched for something on the shelf, finding a shampoo for women.

cool. now you would smell like a bitch.

"thank you", you smiled at him, getting a shy smile from his side back.

oh, if his girlfriend would know about this..

"should I wash your clothes?", jungkook asked before you were about to lock yourself in the bathroom.

"should I wash your stuff? I can give you a hoodie and my boxer while your stuff is drying", he suggested.


why was he so nice?
why did he take care of you?
was he for real?
or just testing you?

"is this a yes or a no?", jungkook asked after he had gotten no answer from you.

"if it isn't a burden to-"
"okay, here is a hoodie and my boxers. shower as long as you want, I'll just sleep. see you tomorrow."


showering took you exactly three hours.
and to all of your luck, your hair was still a caotic mess - so you just decided to cut off the knots, showing yourself off as a short haired girl.

not really short. for your usual hair length, this was short. earlier today, you had hair which reached your butt - long.

and now, now your hair was just a little bit longer than shoulder length.

and you liked it, it was something new. your hair was fluffy for the first time - looking at the mirror, you could recognise a smile on your face.

your showered body made you feel fresh, his clothes made you feel comfortable. it was... just breathtaking.

what you got to live.

you dried your hair, tried to brush it and gave yourself a fresh, new look.

after five years on the street, it was finally time for you to shine.

just for one day.

at least something, right?

"are you still in there?", you heard someone knocking on the door. jungkook's voices sounded tired, as if he had just woken up, his mind still not really realising what reality was.

he sounded cute.

"I'm finished, don't come at me", you chuckled, a sudden confidence overwhelming you - maybe because you liked yourself for the first time since years.

and with this, you opened the door, facing a tired jungkook in front of you.

and as tired as he might have been before, his face expression turned a shocked yet stunned - his tired, exhausted yet sparkling eyes grew wide, his jaw dropped a bit.

"y-you.. you have a pimple on your nose"

- authors note -
this chapter is a bit rushed and short (because I'm a tired bean rn), but I wanted to explain why this series will be continued on wattpad, not on instagram:

1. too complex writing for instagram
many people told me they didn't understand a bit on instagram because they weren't used to read stuff which could turn out into a book. on wattpad, it's not like this.

2. on instagram, it's a total flop
I don't really care though, but I don't want people to be tired of my instagram account. so I'll just post my oneshots there and my series here, on wattpad.

3. I f*cking write too long chapters for instagram. like, only one scene is happening but I still don't have enough slides! that's bothering me a lot.

this was it ✌.
I hope you like this series, I'm having fun writing on it ✌.

your thoughts about jungkook and y/n yet? comment them, lmao

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