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The silence between Yoongi and Namwaan wasn't close to uncomfortable. Staring down to the river, old memories passing by their mind, the presence of each other giving one another a feeling of home.

A shared pain, a knife stabbing both of them until their last tears were dried. Everything seemed to be disappearing in the dust and overwhelming darkness, fulfilling this empty feeling inside of both of them with a growing sadness.

"Why are you here?", Namwaan asked after awhile, not taking her eyes off the water.

Around them was not a single living soul. Of course, it was already pretty late, if not even already early morning. A normal human would be probably asleep at this time, but Namwaan couldn't even waste a thought of this nonesense action.

Neither could Yoongi, so they both experienced their first deep moment without screaming at each other and without discriminating looks.

"I've been thinking. A lot, actually."
He sighed tired, wrapping his jacket around your shoulders to keep you warm.

You, on the other hand, were already used to the coldness. To spending the night outside. A jacket more or less wouldn't mean a lot.

Yet it meant a lot to their relationship.
Namwaan risked a turn to look at her brother, in her eyes a sudden warmth. Yoongi seemed exhausted, a lot more than she was.

"I don't think I can forget the past."
With these words, Namwaan's hope of a family already disappeared as fast as the thought of it crossed her mind. She couldn't blame him, she wouldn't be able to forget either.

"Y/N has been a horrible sister."

What a good pep talk.

Namwaan already wanted to go. She already felt miserable and lost, she didn't need someone making it even harder, especially not someone who didn't know her at all. Of course, he knew the old Y/N.

"But I guess I could give Namwaan a try at being a good sister", Yoongi added after some seconds feeling like hours passing by, causing Namwaan's eyes to widen.

He smiled at her shocked facial expression, maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe it was just the right moment.

"And you should give yourself a try too", he gently took her hand, trying to hide the struggle he was having right now.

"Who you were doesn't have to define who you are now or who you're going to be. Accepting who you were is important, but developing with who you're turning to be is more important. And at the end, you'll know who you are. And you're not alone. I'm not leaving you again."

After the last words were spoken, Namwaan couldn't take it anymore. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest as she was finally feeling of comfort again.

Of peace.

"Let's go to our hotel. Jeongguk is close to kill everybody who doesn't know where you are."


"fuck, i was so worried",

Jeongguk ran over to her, putting his arms around her to give her a tight hug.

If it was for her or him; it wasn't obvious.

"I'm going to sleep now and everybody else is going now too." Yoongi signaled the members to go to their own room, yet Jin didn't know where to go due the fact he was Jeongguk's roommate.

"I am not going anywhere, you can go and have sex in Y/N's room."

"Jin! For the hundredth time, we never-"

"Just get out of my sight and use condoms."

Namwaan let out a chuckle, while Jeongguk just sighed. "Is it okay if we're going to your room?"

"Oh, you expect me wanting to spend the night with you again? You need your sleep, Jeongguk. We can talk tomorrow."

"But you're going back home tomorrow", Jeongguk whispered disappointed, yet Namwaan just gave him a weak smile.

"You sacrificed so much for me, Jeongguk. We're on good terms now. You'll do great on tour. But for now, sleep."

Jeongguk and Namwaan were only a few inches away from each other, a hand of Jeongguk's was rested on her waist while his other hand was playing with her hair, thinking.

"I was so worried about you, Namwaan. Seeing you down has been breaking me, you can't imagine how much. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I'm here now. And even if we will be kilometers apart from each other, I will always be here for you."

The smile growing on his face made her heart flutter, knowing she was the reason of it.

She had dreamt so many times to be the reason of his beautiful and breathtaking smile, and now? This dream came true.

And now he was holding her in his embrace, a single tear leaving his eye. He was so worried, he needed you in his life.

This day without you has been miserable.

He had been in a bad mood the whole day, he couldn't focus on anything except the thought of finding you and comfort you. To be your safe place, to relieve the pain you were feeling.

Just as how she did it. Every single time.

For more than normal seconds staring into each others eyes, he'd give everything for it.

And so did you.

"I am honestly tired of this game", Jin sudden spoke out and stood up, waking Jeongguk and Namwaan up from their trance.

"Don't punch me Jeongguk, but if I don't do it, none of you will", Jin sighed and pushed Jeongguk away from you - receiving a soft punch from Jeongguk, yet Jin didn't care and gave you his full attention.

"Jeongguk loves you. I am so fucking tired of this, because if you continue like this, it'll never end the way I want it. Jeongguk loves you and you love him too, so please, end this stupid high-school drama and use the condoms."


"What, Jeongguk? I know it's not my right to reveal this, but it will never be revealed if I don't confess for you."

"It's my thing to tell her, not yours!"
"So it's true?"

Jeongguk turned his head to Namwaan, suddenly realizing what exactly just got revealed.


He gulped nervously, not knowing what to say.
He loved her.

Due him only thinking about you today, he came to this realization. He loved her more than he loved himself, more than he could love anything.

Lia, his ex, was nothing in comparison.
Namwaan was his girl. The girl he never dreamt of, yet needed so much.

"Is it true, Jeongguk?", she repeated her question.

Jeongguk couldn't say a word. He just stared at her with wide eyes, trying to form a sentence yet failing so dramatically. Why was it so hard to confess to you?

He loved her.

And he was scared of loosing her if he actually spoke it out.

"Love is the wrong term.."
"Goodnight, Jeongguk", Namwaan said quickly.

She opened the door, already wanting to sob in her own hotel room.

Yet Jeongguk didn't want to make the same mistake twice and hide the actual truth.

"Fuck, Namwaan, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I'm saying. Love is the exact right term for what I feel towards you, but I'm just scared."

He had grabbed her hand and pulled her to him again, a sudden confidence filling his body.

Jin's presence suddenly felt unimportant, in this moment, right in this moment, Namwaan was Jeongguk's priority.

Fuck it.

Fuck everything he was scared of.

"Yes, it's true. I love you. And definitely not in a friendship way."

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