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"oh..", your sudden confidence disappeared in a matter of miliseconds, your heart dropping as you nodded at his words. you'd always look ugly, why did you even try? why did you even had hope?

without saying anything, you wanted to lock yourself in the bathroom again, cursing at yourself for thinking you could be something better than you actually were.

"namwaan, wait", he said as you had turned around - he quickly turned you to him again, placing two fingers under your chin, facing you intensely.

"you look beautiful", his soft voice told you in a heartwarming way.

yes, you looked beautiful. but in his eyes, you were already looking beautiful before your long shower.

obviously, he didn't pay much attention on your clothes. surely, he had noticed your not so good smelling scent, but he didn't care about it. he had never.

every time he had seen you on his door step, he never payed attention. because he didn't want to pay attention on your appearance, your clothes, your scent.

but he cared about your stunning character. you were selfless, although you could have turned out to be devilish. you were kind, even though people weren't kind to you. you were thankful, you never did something bad to people.
you never tried to hurt people, no, you helped them. putting his lost sneakers as an example.

"I was just too stunned, I mean, look at you..", Jungkook said, making you chuckle lightly.

it was amazing to hear this from someone you had admired for such a long time now. from someone who you categorised as "beautiful" and "handsome", it was something special, something heartwarming.

"and you look tired", you told him, looking at his messy hair, his pyjama and his exhausted face expression.

you smiled, you loved getting to see him like this. he seemed cute, so adorably cute.

"do you want to sleep?", he suddenly asked you after you two stopped talking for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"oh, you're right. thank you for letting me shower. can I get my clothes, so I can leave?"
"wait what?", he asked irritated.
"my clothes.. so I can leave?", you didn't know why he was so confused.

obviously, you had to get your clothes back for you to go to your living, the doorstep of his.

you didn't even realise how he invited you for a longer time than just today.

you thought you'd go to your doorstep again. living there, as always.

"namwaan, actually, I.."

He looked at your puppy eyes.
'I can't just let her live on my doorstep again', he thought, trying to find a good reason for you to stay. here. in his house.

"I want you to live here. not forever, but for a longer consistent time, so.. I just don't want you to be homeless."

shock and confusion was written on your face - what!?

a living? an actual place to live?
in a house? with him?
waking up in a warm house, getting to bed.. on a couch? not on a doorstep or under the bridge?

damn, you were close to get a heartattack!

was he serious? he wouldn't make jokes about this, right?

an actual place to live?
wait, what?

more showers in the future? having food in the fridge? what..

"namwaan?", he asked after you had given no response.

you were shocked.
after so many years.. someone just wanted to live with you?

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